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  Nr. 4322 de joi, 28 august 2008 
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Three in a boat, not to mention the dog
The greatest evil the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) did Traian Basescu has been the modification of the Constitution in 2003, that is the fact that the President's mandate was prolonged from four to five years. The change made five years ago was meant to support the Social-Democrats' power to continue. But although not deliberately, it is now striking against President Basescu's main objective: win another mandate in 2009. Had this year's elections...   (20 afisari)
Hungary supports Magyar minorities pursuing autonomy in Romania
Hungary's ambassador to Bucharest Fuzes Oszkar commented yesterday while in Sfantu Gheorghe, a locality in Romania, that there was no such thing as ideal situation for minorities. He argued that there was instead need of a political and social environment for neither the Romanian nor the Magyars in Romania to feel uneasy, mentioning this was achievable, as proved in several European states, where the political outcome of such...   (25 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romanian Senate watches Russia
Mircea Geoana, a president of the Romanian Senate's Foreign Affairs Committee, said yesterday when Romania's foreign minister Lazar Comanescu and defense minister Teodor Melescanu were questioned that the senators wanted to learn if Romanian authorities were willing to have dialogue with Russia.
The official announced: "We want to learn if the two ministries and Romanian authorities are thinking about a reshaping or about starting a dialogue,...   (25 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Energy security analyzed in Cotroceni Palace
The President of Romania Traian Basescu welcomed yesterday to Cotroceni Palace, Bucharest, the US senators Richard G. Lugar, possibly a future head of the EU diplomacy. According to the US Congress website, the republican senator from Indiana is touring nine states for two weeks, given the Russian-Georgian conflict.
The visit's main objective is the consolidation of the Transatlantic Alliance's energy security. The US official has...   (19 afisari)
ECONOMY - In Brief
Romania to house greatest Aeolian park in Europe
CEZ is a Czech energy group intending to invest over 1 billion Euro in the greatest Aeolian park in Europe to be situated in Dobrogea, southern Romania. It is meant to produce 600MW, almost double the expansion capacity of the greatest Aeolian park now on the continent and almost triple the capacity of the largest Aeolian park functioning in Europe.
According to the Money Channel, the first half of the project is to become functional...   (19 afisari)
ECONOMY - In brief
Romanian economy may undergo considerable decline
A considerable decline of the economy growth is expected to follow in several European countries, Romania one of them, as claimed by several economists interviewed by the German Institute of Economic Research in Munich University.
Although the present state of things is satisfying, the prospects of some states in Central and Eastern Europe are getting darker, the research mentions. On the other hand, analysts claim that economy...   (16 afisari)
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