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  Nr. 4320 de marti, 26 august 2008 
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Kosovo and the greenhouse effect. What will Romania do?
Does the Kosovo case make a precedent? Ask this question in Brussels or Washington and you will get the same answer: No. It is "no" because Kosovo is a single case, it was a singular solution to an exceptional case. This is false, as the respective process is accomplished by the making of a new independent state, recognized at once by some main political actors on the international stage, a state enjoying political, economic and...   (37 afisari)
America's Sputnik moment in Beijing
August 8, 2008 may someday be remembered as the first day of the post-American era. Or it could be remembered as another "Sputnik moment," when, as with the Soviet foray into outer space in 1957, the American people realized that the country had lost its footing and decided it was time for the United States to get its act together.
There was no mistaking the power and symbolism of the opening ceremonies for the Beijing Olympic Games on August 8....   (25 afisari)
Social-Democrats are fed-up with Liberals
Several leaders of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) demanded during yesterday's meting of the Permanent Committee that the party should start dialogue with the PD-L (Democrat-Liberal Party). It was out of their irritation at the privatization plotted by the Liberal Cabinet as elections were drawing near. Moreover, the PSD leaders are angry that the mayors representing their party got too little from the money distributed in the territory by the...   (22 afisari)
Moscow suspects Romania of illegal gun trade
Russia is going to look into the lawfulness of gun and military equipment supplies to Georgia. It was Anatoli Nogovitin, a deputy head of the Russian military, who announced it, as reported by RIA Novosti and Rompres.
According to the Russian general, Georgia gets weapons from several states: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Macedonia, Ukraine, Serbia, Albania, Hungary and Romania. Israel, he added, sold Georgia equipment, but there is information...   (33 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romanian gays to get a TV channel with angelic name
The Gay Parade in Romania was over a short while ago, the Gay Movie Evenings are to follow soon and there is also the fact that the homosexuals in Romania will have their own TV channel starting with October 1. It is to have an angelic name and work as an education channel with no porn contents.
The television to be made belongs to the "Be An Angel Romania", an association fighting discrimination. Lucian Dunareanu, a president...   (96 afisari)
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