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  Nr. 4316 de joi, 21 august 2008 
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The Black Sea continues to be a Russian lake
Just a short while after having been elected a President of Romania, Traian Basescu came up with the idea that the Black Sea was a Russian lake. Like many other ideas uttered by Traian Basescu, this one too got to be the target of analysts. And in Romania there was much talk about the "we made the Russians angry" idea. In the end the Russians didn't mind Traian Basescu's words, but they took the first opportunity to prove by military means...   (29 afisari)
President Basescu warns the world
The President of Romania Traian Basescu is having a diplomatic tour in the Black Sea states, actually visiting 5 countries in 2 days: Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, the Moldovan Republic (all of them GUAM members) and Turkey (the second master of the Black Sea, after Russia).
The President has taken Transdniestria up from the very beginning, as a conflict is about to burst out like in Kosovo or South Ossetia. The frozen conflicts by the Black Sea have...   (70 afisari)
Mona Musca to run as Democrat-Liberal candidate
Controversy has mounted in the party after the announcement that Mona Musca will run as candidate in the following parliamentary elections on behalf of the PD-L (Democrat-Liberal Party). Some members are claiming that her penitence was long enough, whereas others are saying a Democrat-Liberal candidate who collaborated with the ex Communist Secret Service in Romania is out of question.
Gheorghe Stefan, the PD-L leader in Neamt,...   (12 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
SAPARD payment for Romania in trouble
Last July the European Commission suspended the payment for the SAPRAD program ongoing in Romania. The Romanian Ministry of Economy and Finance mentioned yesterday that it was about "temporary" suspension of the processing of a 28, 3 million Euro deduction. Romanian authorities kept this decision, signed by Jean Luc Demarty, a head of the European Commission's General Department for Agriculture, hidden for more than one month. The Brussels...   (20 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romania to give Georgia 1 million Euro humanitarian assistance
The Romanian government agreed yesterday that the country should provide Georgia with humanitarian assistance of more than 1 million Euro, consisting in medicine and medical equipment to come from the reserve of the Romanian Ministry of Health. The Romanian government's spokeswoman Camelia Spataru announced it yesterday.
The official said yesterday that some of the equipment was already on the way to Georgia, in...   (18 afisari)
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