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  Nr. 4310 de joi, 14 august 2008 
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Heads hidden in the sand, Romanian diplomats are on vacation
Romania has mentioned it on every possible occasion that one foreign affairs priority, which Traian Basescu, the constitutional coordinator of foreign affairs, boasts about, is the Black Sea Project. If it is so, we have failed it, given our skill at failures. The events in Georgia are proving how fearful Romania is at times of crisis, even when all the other military and political allies have responded promptly and with determination,...   (35 afisari)
Deputies don't want Adrian Nastase and Miron Mitrea charged
Romanian deputies dismissed yesterday the DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department) solicitation for consent to criminal inquiries against the Social-Democrats Adrian Nastase and Miron Mitrea, both of them former ministers.
According to the law, in order to make a decision in favor of criminal investigations 218 deputies were to vote for it. It was also yesterday that deputies were reached by two new solicitations from the DNA,...   (19 afisari)
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European socialists criticize Parliament's interference
The representatives of the main parties in the Parliament of Europe, including the socialists, criticized yesterday Romanian deputies' decision on Miron Mitrea and Adrian Nastase. The European Commission insisted for the need to make progress with the fight against high level corruption.
Graham Watson, a leader of the European Liberals, warned that Romanian deputies' denial was doing Romania no good, as it could not help...   (15 afisari)
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Transdniestria suspends contracts with Chishinau
The separatist authorities in Tyraspol have decided to adopt a moratorium on the contracts with Chishinau to go till the Moldovan Republic express firm and unconditioned opposition to Georgia's aggression against South Ossetia, as guarantee that it isn't pursuing goals like Tbilisi is doing, that is a diminishment of Russia's part, the NewsIn reports.
The institution in charge of diplomacy in Transdniestria posted on its website...   (24 afisari)
Emil Boc: PD-L won't stay in opposition
According to Emil Boc, a leader of the PD-L (Democrat-Liberal Party), his party won't continue in the opposition, but it will neither collaborate with the PSD (Social-Democrat Party).
The PD-L president has commented in a recent TV talk show that the Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu eliminated the PD-L representatives from the government, although he had no reason to do it. According to Emil Boc, this is how the Liberal PM betrayed...   (21 afisari)
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