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  Nr. 4307 de luni, 11 august 2008 
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Black Sea rats
A cruel war burst out a few days ago right by the Black Sea, a place where Romania pretends to be play I don't know what part. Russia attacked our ally, that alleged ally talked about in various international reunions, that is the small republic of Georgia, aspiring to join NATO and a member of the GUAAM, a regional organization supported by Romania and the US, as Tbilisi is claiming. Moscow is saying the opposite. The meeting of the Supreme Council for National Defense...   (64 afisari)
Supreme Council for National Defense on vacation
Several members of the Supreme Council for National Defense in Romania (CSAT) were absent in last Saturday's meeting that took place in Cotroceni Palace, Bucharest, upon request from the President of Romania Traian Basescu. Fun and relaxation seem to have been more important to them than national security affairs, since they wouldn't interrupt their vacation to talk about the state of things in the Caucasus. So the Romanian PM Calin Popescu...   (31 afisari)
Tough week ahead for Daniel Morar
The mandate entrusted to Daniel Morar to rule the DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department) is up tomorrow and the idea that he should be given another one has split both politicians and civil society. Tomorrow the President of Romania Traian Basescu is to welcome the representatives of political parties to Cotroceni Palace in order to analyze the European Commission's latest report on the state of Romania Justice, including matters related to the DNA activity....   (24 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
BNR governor dismisses Becali Bank
The BNR (National Bank of Romania) board would not release an authorization for Gigi Becali's bank. The BNR hasn't made an official announcement yet, but Gigi Becali, financer of the Steaua soccer team, is complaining that the authority has been delaying the decision. He even appointed Gabriela Tudor, formerly an adviser of the BNR governor Mugur Isarescu, a president of the Becali Bank. He also paid a company recommended by the BNR 250, 000...   (20 afisari)
A r h i v a
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 Noi dezvaluiri in cazul McCann: Maddie, surprinsa de camerele de supraveghere ale unei banci din Bruxelles (VIDEO)  (1691 afisari)
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