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  Nr. 4304 de joi, 7 august 2008 
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The ending or endless Daniel Morar
The mandate of Daniel Morar, a head of the DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department), is over in August 12. So the dispute on whether to give him another mandate or not is natural. His adepts are those who appointed him: President Traian Basescu, using the influence he is entitled to due to the Constitution, the ex minister of justice Monica Macovei, well-known for the traffic of influence she proceeds to in the EU, via third hand servants, and the PD-L...   (32 afisari)
Successor for Daniel Morar
A group of NGOs proposed yesterday that Romania's Justice minister Catalin Predoiu should hold public consultations to find "a competent, unbiased personality who enjoys magistrates' respect" to be appointed a head of the DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department). The authors of the press release announcing this argue that to entrust one more mandate to the DNA head Daniel Morar would be ungrounded. It is to be reminded that a different group of NGOs pleaded for...   (35 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
SRI and SIE satellites spy on us
There is decision made by the CSAT (Supreme Council for National Defense), kept secret, that allows the SIE (Foreign Intelligence Service in Romania) to possess equipment to intercept phone calls and communications by satellite. It goes despite the fact that the only national authority of such interception in Romania is the SRI (Romanian Secret Service). In spite of this, all the secret services use devices to spy on our citizens.
With US support,...   (39 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Over 2, 900 children abused and neglected in the first three months of 2008
The National Authority for Child Protection announced over 2, 900 children were abused, neglected and exploited in Romania in the first three months of 2008. Almost 2, 000 are cases of carelessness. About 400 were abused physically and 340 were subject to emotional abuse.
There were 98 cases of sexual exploitation and 147 underwent abusive toil.
Most cases of abuse and carelessness took place within...   (20 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
"Star of Romania" awarded to Alexander Soljenitzin postmortem
The President of Romania Traian Basescu awarded the "Star of Romania" National Order to the Russian writer Alexander Soljenitzin postmortem. The award is described as due to the late writer's "courage and dignity", as well as due to his contribution to the world literature heritage.
The President of Romania signed the awarding decree last Wednesday, as announced by Presidency Administration. (Z.O.)   (23 afisari)
A r h i v a
 Top afisari / comentarii 
 SIE si SRI ne spioneaza prin satelit (4304 afisari)
 Sfarsitul sau nesfarsitul lui Daniel Morar (1965 afisari)
 Oprescu da piept cu "Basarab" (1268 afisari)
 Rusia ridica Scutul (1127 afisari)
 Inlocuitor pentru Morar (898 afisari)
 Bulgaria va fi lovita de un virus periculos ce ar putea ameninta si Romania (3288 afisari)
 S-a trezit in timp ce medicii se pregateau sa-i faca autopsia  (3179 afisari)
 Un angajat roman al ICR New York, in ipostaze indecente  (2784 afisari)
 Atentie la webcamul de pe computer! (2511 afisari)
 Un brazilian a facut sex cu 400 de vaci (1730 afisari)
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