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  Nr. 4302 de marti, 5 august 2008 
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Who takes care of the victims?
The answer to this question is easy to give in a normal country. Since we claim the only reason why Romania was admitted in both the EU and the NATO was the fact that the country met the criteria, let’s see if it is indeed so. Let’s look into this new case when Romanian authorities were caught unprepared one more time and, just like usually, our politicians promised to everything.
The first flaw, maybe the most severe one, is the complete...   (9 afisari)
LATEST – In Brief
President promises support and asks for solidarity
Yesterday the President of Romania Traian Basescu went to Tamaseni, a locality in the district of Neamt, much harmed by the floods. He promised the government would provide financial resources for the rebuilding of the houses destroyed in the recent flooding.
The Romanian President took his visit for one more opportunity for solidarity, arguing that what the victims needed most right now were clothes, mattresses and washing...   (10 afisari)
LATEST – In Brief
Improved rating for Romanian banking
Due to the healthy rhythm of growth and the accumulating wealth, Standards & Poor’s has decided to include Romania in a group of states with a better profile in terms of risks in the field of banking. The agency reckons that, in case of recession, financial actives could get depreciated less than previously estimated. So Standard & Poor’s has improved the BICRA, the evaluation of risk in banking, for Romania from group 8...   (12 afisari)
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