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  Nr. 4298 de joi, 31 iulie 2008 
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Disguised elections
There are just a few months left till the "sovereign people" makes use of the right to elect representatives. And the uninominal vote system will now be used for the first time, as parties' common lists have gone to hell. We won't vote just for some names emerging by backdoor arrangements with the leader of a group. We are to vote for true representatives, people remarked in their communities and who would deserve to rule others. What do you think, dear readers? Are...   (12 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romania to pass Daniel Morar test
Brussels officials have demanded Romania explicitly that Daniel Morar, a head of the DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department in this country), should continue to rule over the institution. Mark Gray, a spokesman for the European Commission, has argued that the reconfirmation of Daniel Morar will be a test to show the Romanian authorities' renewed commitment.
According to the EU official, Brussels authorities are expecting the reform in Romania...   (13 afisari)
PRM pursues pre-electoral alliance
According to Corneliu Vadim Tudor, a leader of the PRM (Greater Romania Party), his party is considering the idea of making a pre-electoral alliance in order to make it to the Parliament. The National Council session is due in September 6 so that the executive leaders of the PRM will be elected.
The PRM leader argued as follows yesterday: "We are considering several possibilities not to please the villains who want Romania left without an...   (20 afisari)
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