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  Nr. 4297 de miercuri, 30 iulie 2008 
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Rain comes from the East
Romania is again unable to resist rough strikes coming from the East. Devastating flooding is taking Romanian authorities by surprise, just like it surprised them two years ago. It is no coincidence that the flood coming from the ex Soviet region is arriving at times of chain geopolitical and geostrategic disputes with our neighbors in Ukraine and the Moldovan Republic, when the state of Romania is more and more weakened as far as institutions and information...   (14 afisari)
Ukraine attacks from two sides
Kiev authorities proceeded to important operations on the so-called Bastroe canal last weekend, official sources claim. The mass media in Ukraine has put a deadlock in the development of the Bastroe project, thus muffling another abuse committed by the rulers in Kiev.
According to Cosmin Boiangiu, a spokesman for the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Romanian Ministry of Environment and Durable Development, in charge of bilateral cooperation...   (12 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Supreme Council for National Defense plays tricks
The CSAT (Supreme Council for National Defense in Romania) agreed that Romania should deliver old firing machines to Georgia and Jordan for new weapons. The beneficiaries got flawed objects, so Romania made a fool of itself on a most important export market.
The CSAT gave a theoretical consent to this transaction, but the business was actually handled by the Liberal gang in Alba, headed by Teodor Atanasiu. When the contract...   (15 afisari)
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