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  Nr. 4296 de marti, 29 iulie 2008 
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Unaccountability or deadly cold shoulder?
Or it may be much more: the picture of the Romanian administration's real abilities, defeated by the floods and also by its own passivity, in the dirt inherited from the Phanar.
This is it ad no one or nothing can change or influence it. The EU and NATO accession has imposed no constraints, it has changed its essence in no way, it has not influenced the decision-making system. So the more and more violent clime phenomena have been taken authorities...   (21 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Ukrainian high flood threatens Moldova
The flooding in the neighboring country has reached higher than never in the last 100 years and it may soon reach the Romanian territory. Northeastern Romania is already soaked with two waves coming from the northern border.
Romania's interior minister Cristian David mentions: "Ukrainian authorities are providing very few information or no information at all. We can't learn things on time, we can just see what it is going on."
The Ukrainian...   (185 afisari)
Civil society wants Daniel Morar to continue to rule National Anti-Corruption Department
Several NGOs are asking Romania's Justice minister Catalin Predoiu to reconfirm Daniel Morar as head of the DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department). The NGOs affiliated to the Initiative for Clean Justice (the Group for Social Dialogue, Pro Democracy Association, the Civic Alliance, the Freedom House, the 21st December Association and more) are accusing that the leaders of the PSD (Social-Democrat...   (36 afisari)
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President Basescu: Parliament should prove responsible and decide on Adrian Nastase and Miron Mitrea
The President of Romania Traian Basescu invoked Article 66 in the Romanian Constitution yesterday to summon the two Chambers to extraordinary session in the early August in order to reach consent to the solicitations for the start of criminal investigations against certain former ministers and present MPs, solicitations coming from the High Court of Justice in Romania and the National...   (27 afisari)
Second chance wanted for Mona Musca
The supporters of Mona Musca are taking pains with persuading the electorate that the former deputy from the Democrat-Liberal Party deserves to run as candidate to the Parliament.
Theodor Stolojan, a vice-president of the Romanian Democrat-Liberals, argued yesterday: "I think she paid for a mistake she did in her youth. She stepped back from politics. I think any person has got the right to a second chance."
Mona Musca resigned from...   (21 afisari)
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