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  Nr. 4293 de vineri, 25 iulie 2008 
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National dignity under attack
When the investigations on the Fleet case were in full progress, focusing on a main topic such as Mr. Traian Basescu, the latter was getting ready to become the highest official in state. He was promising Romanians, in all his typical firmness, that he would give them back their dignity, after so much humiliation from whose who had ruled Romania. What has happened since this electoral promise up to now?
Traian Basescu asked journalists to do a careful...   (23 afisari)
Angela Merkel wants Romania monitored
Unlike Romanian politicians, the EU leaders think the European Commission's latest report on Romanian Justice is something to worry about.
The release of the European Commission's evaluation of the state of Justice in Romania and Bulgaria has got responses in the capital cities of the two EU newcomers, as well as in the other member states.
German politicians have sharpened their criticism of Romania, claiming that the safeguard clause should be...   (30 afisari)
President Basescu criticizes magistrates in secret
The members of the CSM (Superior Council of Magistracy) met with the President of Romania Traian Basescu yesterday to analyze the criticism included in the European Commission's latest report on Romanian Justice. The head of state minded the journalists there and he invited them to leave the room: "I can see no one is against it, so I am inviting all the press out, the Cotroceni press too." Surprisingly, the CSM members didn't oppose it...   (18 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Restricted information as public enemy
The classified information law prevents access to information and it allows any public institution to hide its activity. By means of one single order, any ruler may classify anything and the classification order is itself classified.
Georgiana Iorgulescu, executive manager of the Juridical Resource Center in Romania, comments: "This law is purely Stalinist. I think Romania is the only country in Europe which has still got restricted information...   (21 afisari)
A r h i v a
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