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  Nr. 4292 de joi, 24 iulie 2008 
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The positive crisis
At times when a major financial crisis is haunting the whole world, there is no country to see things in bright colors. But Romania is not any country, which is why not even the crises are what they should be. Even more, there are clues that the global crisis is the medicine Romanian economy needs. After years of record economy growth, based mainly on wild consume fueled by abundant bank credits, Romania needs a smooth 'landing' not to shake the 20 million 'passengers'...   (25 afisari)
European Commission: Investigations against ministers must go on
The European Commission released yesterday in Brussels the reports on the progress made with Justice in Romania and Bulgaria. As far as the former country is concerned, the document points to the politicization of corruption cases by the Parliament and the judicial system's inability to reach verdicts in high level corruption cases, concluding that such facts have worsened the public opinion's perception of the respect for...   (30 afisari)
Romanian officials comment on European Commission's report on Romania's progress
-- Justice minister Catalin Predoiu: "A realistic report"
"The report is objective, well-balanced and realistic, mentioning Romania's progress. The continuation of reforms is the only means to put an end to the monitoring mechanism".
The Romanian Justice minister Catalin Predoiu announced yesterday that he would make a proposal for a new head of the National Anti-Corruption Department over a fortnight.
PM...   (30 afisari)
Freedom House: The Report criticizes Romanian judges
The European Commission's report is very hard on Romania and it is critical of the political pressure on the judicial system in particular, says Mihai Politeanu, a Freedom House program coordinator in Romania. He also claims the report reproaches the judges in Romania who prove too relenting with gross corruption or avoid reaching verdicts and return cases to prosecutors because of minor deficiencies.
The Freedom House representative...   (25 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Gypsies set on fire in Rome
According to a press release coming EveryoneGroup, an Italian NGO dealing with the protection of the Roma, the Roma camp in Magliana, Rome, was set on fire last Tuesday. The organization reports there are witnesses who saw persons launching Molotov cocktails on the Roma camp in Via Condoni, the Magliana quarter, Rome. The Roma hurried out of the camp when the fire burst out and then there arrived the fire brigade together with policemen.
The Italian...   (22 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Abortion to be allowed for underage girls in Romania
The Romanian Ministry of Health has opened public debate on a project meant to allow for abortion in cases of girls younger than 15 who become pregnant. The surgery would be allowed only on pregnancy of 24 weeks at most and only in level 3 hospitals.
The College of Doctors in Romania is opposing the project, claiming that what it actually does is "encourage murder and increase the number of abortions." (C.P.)   (33 afisari)
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