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  Nr. 4289 de luni, 21 iulie 2008 
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Why Traian Basescu needs Adrian Nastase
Adrian Nastase is the most useful opponent of Traian Basescu for next year’s presidential elections. No matter who gets to establish the government, if Adrian Nastase runas as representative of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), Traian Basescu will feel no fear nd he will win. This is not only about the present opinion polls, but also about all the possible ways the situation can progress.
Adrian Nastase is the political character easiest...   (12 afisari)
Romania is a failure because of corruption
The European Commission’s report on the state of Romanian Justice is due in July 23. For now, the draft proves a rather critical approach, still mentioning that Romanian authorities have made “slow, but constant progress” in their efforts to reform the judicial system and fight corruption. The outcome is “modest” and the start is nevertheless “encouraging”. It is to be highlighted that this is not the final...   (19 afisari)
LATEST – In Brief
Plotters clash
According to a CIA survey authored by Larry Watts, Virgil Magureanu and Ioan Talpes are two of the great manipulators of the secret services in Romania after the 1989 Revolution.
Virgil Magureanu is denying accusations, claiming he did not collaborate with the Soviet secret service. The maker of the SRI (Romanian Secret Service) is even saying that Larry Watts is “talking crap”.
But Ioan Talpes, a godfather of Virgil Magureanu, is standing...   (25 afisari)
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