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  Nr. 4286 de joi, 17 iulie 2008 
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Long time to go till 1910!
The Social-Democrats are behaving as if they were in power already. They are fretting, making offers, pretending, meeting, summoning departments, getting involved. Ion Iliescu is making plots. Mircea Geoana is playing the PM. Adrian Nastase is thriving. The PSD (Social-Democrat Party) is shadowing the government. The Social-Democrats are delighted with the score they got in the local elections because all their scoundrels have kept positions. So they can manage,...   (10 afisari)
Regressing Justice
The stage reached by the judicial reform is actually no progress of regress. The fight against corruption is at a standstill because of political and legislative countering of the anti-corruption institutions. These are conclusions included in a Report by the Initiative for Clean Justice. Furthermore, the document emphasizes that Romanian Justice is more and more subject to pressure of political nature. And there is also mentioned: "The position of several governmental...   (15 afisari)
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