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  Nr. 4285 de miercuri, 16 iulie 2008 
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Who's afraid of Sorin Oprescu?
The so-called Dalli Parking war ongoing in Bucharest at the same time with the sacking of the city administration bosses is reopening the main issue of doctor Sorin Oprescu's electoral campaign.
Why? Because in his campaign the doctor who was presently elected a general mayor of Romania's capital city was very critical of the forerunners' corruption, an issue always successful in Romania. There was also the fact that he was the beneficiary of credibility...   (11 afisari)
Romanian journalists were kidnapped on political purpose
The kidnapping of the Romanian journalists in Iraq had a certain political purpose and it had a psychological impact on the Romanian people. This is what the High Court of Justice is claiming in the motivation to the decision reached last February, motivation released yesterday. It grounds for the dismissal of Omar Hayssam's appeal against the court verdict sentencing him to 20 years of prison for terrorism.
The starting point in...   (9 afisari)
EPP advises Romanian Democrat-Liberals to use any means to get power
The EPP (European People's Party) has got no preference for a certain party the Romanian PD-L (Democrat-Liberal Party) should talk to and establish a government with. The EPP general secretary Antonio Lopez has advised the Romanian group to use any means to provide Romania with a reliable government. He said it as such yesterday, during a Brussels meeting with leaders of the PD-L youth branch.
According to the EPP...   (6 afisari)
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