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  Nr. 4283 de luni, 14 iulie 2008 
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Don't damn Ghise and Funar!
The Constitutional Court has decided that the idea belonging to Gheorghe Funar and Ioan Ghise, according to which radio stations and television channels should broadcast the same amount of negative and positive news, an idea voted for by all the Romanian senators, is breaking the fundamental law. But the Constitutional Court has got in such an embarrassing situation by doing a caretaker's job and cleaning the dirt left by the senators! So the Constitutional...   (25 afisari)
Orwellian Thought Police established in Chishinau
In their attempt to protect the "Moldovan people", the Chishinau rulers have taken up measures reminding about the Soviet era and Orwell's famous visionary novel "1984".
The Moldovan Deputies ended their parliamentary term by adding some norms to the law on editorial activity in the Moldovan Republic, a normative document fetching some points against the freedom of the mind and imposing censorship on editors, which doesn't abide by the...   (58 afisari)
Facade for Romania
Romania has finally got a pavilion in the international environment exhibition in Zaragoza. Authorities even managed to hold a national day in July 10 and the Romanian environment minister Attila Korodi reached the location.
It is to be reminded that not even in the last minute was it known whether Romania managed to be represented in the event or not. But authorities managed to arrange a decent pavilion and the national day ceremonies were held, despite some misunderstandings,...   (21 afisari)
Doctors for export
As the Western wages appeal to them, Romanian doctors have been dropping the poor lives they lead in Romania and to head the West, as recounted by the AFP.
It risks doing even more harm to the Romanian health system, anyway deteriorated, the report mentions, reminding that 45% of Romanian doctors and nurses want to go abroad, according to a survey the European Medical Solidarity achieved at the end of 2007.
The statistics coming from the French Doctors College show...   (21 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Buildings instead of parks
Bucharest risks being left with no park in the coming future. In the last years real estate developers have grabbed about 500, 000 square meters in many city areas. Such surfaces are estimated to about 1 billion Euro and they are to be deforested to make room for villas and blocks of flats. The property return mafia has set the plan, with help from city hall employees and even mayors or other city authorities.
The Bordei Park, which is due to turn...   (22 afisari)
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