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  Nr. 4282 de sambata, 12 iulie 2008 
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Justice fooled
The European Union is getting ready to go on monitoring the reform ongoing in Romanian Justice, because the state of things is not at all encouraging. This fundamental state institution is not working right. The present minister of justice, appointed a short while ago, has failed to do away with the doubt on the way procedures, the criminal ones in particular, are obeyed in Romania and on the lawsuits taking a too long time and involving improper circumstances. The black...   (21 afisari)
Romanian Justice minister: Things aren't working as they should
The Romanian Justice minister Catalin Predoiu mentioned yesterday that one could not expect Romania to no longer be monitored for the time being, which was no reason for joy, and he added that all the institutions in the field were to cooperate. The minister explained the monitoring would continue because things weren't working as they should in Romanian Justice. He emphasized: "The report itself and the fact that Romania is...   (11 afisari)
Social-Democrats are sure of victory
Encouraged by their success in the latest local elections, the Romanian Social-Democrats and their Conservative allies got together in a National Council and they started thinking about making the future government and coming up with a set of populist measures to overwhelm the electorate with next autumn. Just like it happens before any decisive battle, the laureates were praised and the defeated were advised to keep a low profile. Veteran Ion Iliescu...   (14 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Mohammad Munaf sentenced to only 10 yeas of prison
The Bucharest Court of Appeal argues that the 10-year prison sentence against Mohammad Munaf comes from the fact that the charged pre-established the abduction of the Romanian journalists in Iraq in an attempt to help Omar Hayssam get away with the consequences of hid misdeeds, thus committing complicity to acts of terrorism. There is mentioned that the abduction was plotted by a terrorist entity and the outcome was due to the...   (12 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romanian education is much flawed
Romania continues to be the target of Brussels criticism because of the slow progress of Justice after the EU accession in January 1, 2007. As far as education is concerned, things are no better, as admitted by a report the European Commission released this week.
There is mentioned than more than a half of the teenagers in Romania and Bulgaria have got difficulties with text reading and text comprehension. So both states come last among the...   (14 afisari)
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