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  Nr. 4281 de vineri, 11 iulie 2008 
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Double attack
Here is President Basescu attacking Justice again, this time actually attacking judges and prosecutors for the first time. The press is reporting on it in details and in several ways, unfolding the President's statement on all sides, generally accusing him of interference in the affairs of an independent power in state. And here I am joining the analysts. Was the President wrong or not? Did he break the Constitution or not?
My answer to this question about the new challenge...   (23 afisari)
Italy asked to stop fingerprinting
The Parliament of Europe asked Italian authorities yesterday to quit the plan on the fingerprinting of the Roma, recommending a better integration of the Roma in Europe instead. The resolution adopted yesterday is also demanding Italian authorities not to use the fingerprints already taken and wait for the European Commission's report on the proposed measures or the use of them would be an act of discrimination.
The Parliament invoked the protection...   (13 afisari)
CNSAS asks Interior Ministry for more than 22, 000 records from the Communist archive
The representatives of CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) told us yesterday that they would ask the Romanian Interior Ministry for the documents they had received in the course of time from the ex Securitate (Communist Secret Service in Romania). Moreover, they said they were willing to give a hand to get the documents faster, after the Ministry managed to catalogue the...   (21 afisari)
LATEST - in Brief
350, 000 Romanians suffer from cancer
Thousands of Romanians fall victims to cancer every year because of pollution, unhealthy nutrition, smoking and precarious hospitals. The present figures are something serious to worry about and an even larger number of cancer patients is estimated for the future, since 55,000 new cases are detected yearly.
Cancer is the second main reason that causes children aged between 4 and 14 to die. According to the latest statistics from the Romanian...   (15 afisari)
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