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  Nr. 4278 de marti, 8 iulie 2008 
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Who is still cleaning our Justice?
The European Commission's report on the state of Romanian Justice is due soon. We already know it will be very critical of the justice court system, which the head of state emphasized last Sunday when he delivered a brief speech for the Justice Day. But please don't worry that the report will assail those responsible for the present state of things. Like every year, what the EU officials announce will be very rough and clear and in the end it will prove...   (19 afisari)
President Basescu scolds Romanian Justice
In last Sunday's speech, delivered in the Day of Justice, the President of Romania Traian Basescu told magistrates that they could have made Romanians a nice gift, had the EU monitoring of Romania ceased. But the fact is that it will go on.
The head of state commented that the "good guys and bad guys" story was interesting. It was his answer to the speech given by Nicolae Popa, a president of the High Court of Justice in Romania. He argued it...   (25 afisari)
Romanian and Moldovan foreign ministers avoid treaty
Romania's foreign minister Lazar Comanescu paid his first official visit to Chishinau yesterday, when he had bilateral meetings with the Moldovan President Vladimir Voronin, PM Zinaida Greceanai and foreign minister Andrei Stratan. Minister Comanescu is the first high level Romanian official to pay official visit to the Moldovan Republic after two years and a half since the last visit of the kind. Before talking to the above-mentioned...   (24 afisari)
Mole brings wrath to CNSAS
Mircea Dinescu said yesterday that he was fed-up with the mess in the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive) and he thought the institution should be dismembered. His line was that, since there had been people involved in the political police running in the local elections, what could still be done?
CNSAS member Cazimir Ionescu is calmer, claiming that dismemberment is not a solution, since the EU wouldn't agree. On the...   (34 afisari)
1 senator and 2 deputies for 1, 7 million Romanians
2 deputies and 1 senator are going to represent the Romanian Diaspora in Europe, according to the decision made by the Electoral Code Committee.
The deputies in the committee estimate that there are 160, 000 Romanians with the right to vote living in Europe. The estimation is based on the number of those who voted in the 2007 referendum and in the Eurparliamentary elections, as well as on some statistics coming from the Romanian Ministry...   (21 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Astoria Hotel bluff
That Bucharest hotel situated by the North Station and belonging to the Romanian Railways Company was sold for 2, 5 million Euro in an auction with one single bidding company. Both the building and the surface around it are worth 20 million Euro and they become the property of a lawyers' company called "Sfaraiala si Asociatii" because of an unreturned debt.
The latter lawyers' company had a debt of only 198, 000 RON to recuperate from the Romanian Railways...   (23 afisari)
A r h i v a
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