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  Nr. 4269 de vineri, 27 iunie 2008 
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A mystery called Ludovic Orban
The fact that Ludovic Orban was deprived of leadership over the PNL (National Liberal Party) branch in Bucharest is till subject to much comment. It is so because the PNL may get o depose this important leader, so far much trusted by the Liberals. He enjoyed so much trust that he was selected to be the party's candidate in the local election for a general mayor of Bucharest, a position thought to be one of the most important in Romania. So what happened?...   (26 afisari)
Adrian Nastase case enrages EU
The ambassadors of EU states nailed Romanian deputies' juridical committee to the wall last Wednesday, asking the committee members to harmonize the Criminal Procedure Code with the European legislation. The EU diplomats criticized the modifications operated on the document and meant to set limits to prosecutors' attributions. They were also critical of the evolution of the criminal cases against Social-Democrats Miron Mitrea and Adrian Nastase. The EU envoys...   (28 afisari)
Corneliu Vadim Tudor forced to resign
Most leaders resigning from the Permanent Committee of the PRM ("Greater Romania" Party) have decided to join other parties unless they manage to schedule a Congress and sack party president Corneliu Vadim Tudor. One party leader tells us: "He is strongly holding on his president seat and he wouldn't hear about a congress. Unless he takes responsibility for he party's failure in the local elections, the PRM parliamentary group will be made of ex Communist...   (17 afisari)
Romanian President demands extraordinary session on Adrian Nastase case
The President of Romania Traian Basescu wrote a letter to the presidents of the Chambers yesterday, demanding that an extraordinary session be summoned so that the Parliament would consent to the opening of lawsuits against Miron Mitrea and Adrian Nastase. The other issue on the agenda would be a revision of the law on which the Court of Accounts functions.
The President argues in his solicitation that...   (19 afisari)
Traian Basescu and Sorin Oprescu are most trusted
The President of Romania Traian Basescu and the new general mayor of Bucharest Sorin Oprescu are the public personalities Romanians trust most, According to an IMAS poll released yesterday, the two politicians are enjoying twice the appreciation the leaders of the main political parties in Romania are getting.
The opinion polled carried out this month has it that Traian Basescu is the beneficiary of 45% and Sorin Oprescu comes...   (15 afisari)
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