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  Nr. 4268 de joi, 26 iunie 2008 
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Damages paid out of evil intentions
The Parliament passed a law admitting the former tenants' right to property on grounds of Law 112/ 1995. This is about the tec regime, houses the tenants bought from state institutions called Enterprises for Constructions, Repairs and Administration of Dwellings, although the houses were the object of ongoing property claim lawsuits. The new law also protects the well-meaning tenants whose property purchase contracts were annulled. They are to be paid...   (29 afisari)
Bishop Corneanu's heresy gets to Brussels
The Parliament of Europe housed yesterday morning a press conference titled "Historical Churches and Christian Values in Transylvania and Beyond". The participants were the following: Laszlo Tokes, Istvan Csury, currently a bishop of the Reformed Church in Piatra Craiului, Romania, Mathe Denes, main trustee of the Unitarian Church in Transylvania, Romania, Kovacs Gyula, a vice president of the Baptist community in Romania, Nicolae Anusca, a main...   (50 afisari)
Corneliu Vadim Tudor has got no party to rule
All the 28 members of the Permanent Committee in the PRM ("Greater Romania" Party) resigned yesterday, after a scandal burst out between the party president Corneliu Vadim Tudor and Gheorghe Cristea, a head of the PRM branch in Bucharest District 2. Party sources say the dispute was just a pretext for resigning, since most members of the Permanent Committee were anyway determined to overtly express their discontent with the leaders'...   (36 afisari)
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US ambassador notices fight against corruption slows down
The fight against corruption is slowing down at times when the Romanian government is busy with a lot of other things that divert the attention of both government and citizens. This is the opinion expressed in an interview to the HotNews. ro by Nicholas Taubman, the US ambassador to Bucharest.
The US official comments that the European Commission's report on Romania will warn about some things. And he adds he is aware...   (26 afisari)
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Ceausescu TV strikes back
Romanian senators want their country to go back to the Ceausescu era, since they have decided that Romanians are to see on their small screens the good side of the hard lives they lead.
The new audio and visual media law the Senate passed yesterday has it that television stations and radio posts are to broadcast "positive news" and "negative news" equal in number.
The initiative dismissed by deputies belongs to Liberal Ioan Ghise and to Gherghe...   (28 afisari)
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Romanians to become organ donors whether they want it or not
The transplant law is going to improve due to a project to allow medical authorities to take organs from any patient in cerebral death, unless the latter expressed opposition while alive. Professor Irinel Popescu, a president of the Romtransplant Association, said it last Wednesday.
"Right now the draft is in the Parliament. Senators passed it and we hope it will be approved of and adopted in the end", the professor...   (20 afisari)
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 Oficialii chinezi, tradati de amante (1438 afisari)
 Soferii americani isi risca viata pentru benzina ieftina din Mexic  (1292 afisari)
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