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  Nr. 4267 de miercuri, 25 iunie 2008 
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Traian Basescu's muscles
The members of the CSAT (Supreme Council for National Defense) are meeting in Cotroceni Palact today, with the head of state as chair of the meeting. The minute Traian Basescu and Calin Popescu Tariceanu turned into each other's enemy, the CSAT meetings turned into a battlefield with the two sides fighting in the open.
The Romanian troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, the national security laws, the reform of the military and of the secret services, as well as contracts...   (44 afisari)
Romanian Justice is still flawed
According to a Freedom House report, 2007 meant political instability in Romania, where the Justice reform took a step back. The conclusion is that courts avoided sentences in major corruption cases and they preferred procedure tricks to postpone a decision. There is mentioned the severe split between the electors and their representatives in the Parliament of Romania, emerging once with the referendum meant to suspend President Traian Basescu.
The report...   (21 afisari)
EU: Romania makes progress with countering discrimination
According to the yearly report by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, Romania, Britain, Ireland, France, Italy, Belgium and Bulgaria have been making progress with the fight against discrimination. There is mentioned that these states have proceeded to fines for ethnic and racial discrimination, according to www.ziare.com.
The report underlines that the number of sanctions is a proof of the anti-discrimination system's...   (18 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Corruption thrives like in Trinidad Tobago
According to a statistic survey by the World Bank, Romania has still got difficulties in terms of the law sovereignty and the control over corruption, as the outcome of efforts taken in the field are categorized in the second half of the top including the world's states. The research consists in an evaluation of 12 characteristics of the governing in 212 countries for 1996-2007.
As far as the control of corruption is concerned, it...   (22 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Communist confiscation of property is victorious
The real estate sharks have done away with any hope of property owners longing to get back the houses abusively confiscated under the ex Communist regime. Upon the initiative coming from Dan Voiculescu's Conservatives, the Chamber of Deputies in the Parliament of Romania has passed a law to modify Law 10. 2001, so that the right to property of former tenants would be acknowledged on grounds of Law 112/ 1995.
The Social-Democrats,...   (20 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Eurostat: Romania and Bulgaria are the poorest EU members
Romania and Bulgaria continue to be rated as the poorest EU members in terms of the gross domestic product per capita. Romania comes the first before last and Bulgaria comes the last in this top. As for Turkey, now applying to the EU, it is rated better.
Luxembourg is the richest EU state by far, followed by Ireland, with a GDP per capita half the one in the country topping the list. (...) (O.R.)   (25 afisari)
Vasile Blaga given discreet sack
Vasile Blaga, the president of the PD-L (Democrat-Liberal Party) branch in Bucharest, resigned the day before yesterday. The party president Emil Boc made the announcement during a TV show. Vasile Blaga claimed he had written his resignation in June 19.
His decision was predictable. The President of Romania Traian Basescu had given him some clues. One of it was that he didn't go to the wedding party of Vasile Blaga's daughter.
The resignation...   (16 afisari)
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