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  Nr. 4265 de luni, 23 iunie 2008 
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Protection for the corrupted in democracy
Although Romania's political life after 1989 has gone through three different political orientations, there has always been in power the most powerful political, but transparty group: the corrupted party. Unlike in consolidated democracies, where the protection for consumers and citizens' interests prevails, what dominates in our country is the protection for the corrupted and for the oligarchs' interests. At the time when civic groups and electoral...   (29 afisari)
Al Qaeda Romanians
Lots of Europeans, Romanians included, have been training in terrorism camps in the tribal Pakistani regions in the last months, according to sources in the US secret services, who fear this is the start of a new kind of terrorism affiliated to Al Qaeda. ABC News has reported that governmental officials are suspecting the terrorists recruited in Europe get trained for attacking targets in Europe and even in the US. Officials in the US and European security services say...   (34 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Nastase case defused
Adrian Nastase, formerly a president of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), is scoring some credibility points now by trying to belittle a major image problem of his, one that could have come up in the future electoral campaign for presidency for which he is getting ready.
The DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department) criminal report against him has now reached the website of the Chamber of Deputies, long months before the presidential elections are due. Let...   (30 afisari)
Ludovic Orban gets the sack
The Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, a president of the PNL (National Liberal Party), proceeded to some sacking yesterday, by deciding that Ludovic Orban would no longer head the PNL branch in Bucharest. And he appointed new leaders for the Bucharest Liberals: himself together with Eugen Nicolaescu, Crin Antonescu, Ludovic Orban and Marian Petrache.
The PM managed to persuade the party's Central Political Committee into this in a meeting held...   (27 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romanian President asked not to attend Beijing Olympics opening
Robert Menard, a general secretary of the Reporters sans Frontieres, sent a letter to the President of Romania Traian Basescu yesterday, asking him not to attend the opening of the Beijing Olympic Games, for this would mean support for the Chinese regime.
The author argues that the situation of human rights hasn't improved so far, although in July 2001, when assigned to see to the Olympic Games, the Chinese authorities...   (38 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
FIDESZ president reloaded
There is need for a "new agreement" between Hungary and the Magyar ethnic communities in foreign states. This is the opinion expressed last weekend by Viktor Orban, a president of the FIDESZ, the main party in the Hungarian opposition. He said it while attending the event celebrating 10 years since the making of the Magyar Coalition Party in Slovakia.
Viktor Orban is reported to have argued: "New forms fit for a changing world must be reached, on grounds...   (26 afisari)
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