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  Nr. 4263 de vineri, 20 iunie 2008 
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Cheating by projects only
Thousands of people will die when the next major earthquake shakes Bucharest. Hundreds of unconsolidated buildings will collapse. Do city authorities have a project to save these people? Or is the "Esplanade" Project, for instance, more urgent? Where are the thorough, far-reaching projects of Romania's capital city? Nowhere! What we have got instead is the lots of projects fancied by Adriean Videanu, Sorin Oprescu, Vasile Blaga, the Social-Democrats and the Liberals....   (21 afisari)
Not to open criminal inquiry against Adrian Nastase is unconstitutional
Transparency International expressed indignation yesterday at the decision made by Romanian deputies' juridical committee, according to which the reasons invoked by the committee in order to recommend no criminal inquiry against Adrian Nastase are unconstitutional. Transparency International argues that this parliamentary committee broke the principle of the separation of powers in a state, turning into extraordinary...   (16 afisari)      1 comentariu
Sorin Oprescu takes over Bucharest City Hall
The General Council of Bucharest was established yesterday, when general mayor Sorin Oprescu ran across the fussy mood set by "rhinos" Doru Giugula and Victor Stan, now under their third mandates. The ceremony started at 12:00 p.m. sharp, but it was interrupted just a few minutes later, when the two Social-Democrats wanted to make themselves seen in the validation committee, so a break became urgent at 12:15. It was the first one, followed by...   (31 afisari)
Romanian economy has got big head and frail body
According to Varujan Vosganian, Romania's minister of economy and finance, foreign investments have had a significant positive effect on Romanian economy, even if some companies repatriate profits to the states of origin. (...)
The minister argues that the main negative impact of foreign investments is this repatriation: "The problem is that some of the profits are muffled, that is turned into expenses so that the tax on profit paid...   (17 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Royal forest targeted
Hand in hand with the real estate sharks, the ex mayor and the general councilors in the district of Mangalia, are working on an affair to turn into banknotes the forest planted by the seaside in 1890 by the Romanian Academy and the Royal House. Comorova, a unique forest, was underpriced and sold piece by piece, just to be turned into a luxurious quarter. 84 pieces of 532 square meters are now for sale and the price is about 1,5 million Euro.
Iorgus...   (14 afisari)
Monolog intr-o statie de tramvai
nu se poate trece dincolo de bariera
cu palaria rosie cu laba de gasca
asezata de-a curmezisul acestui nor
in forma de zero
nu se poate vedea structura epidermei
nici frisonul unui orfelinat
impartit intre doua state beligerante
vom uita totul si vom incepe sa murim
dumnezeu nu mai are picioarele concrete
al balerinei margot fonteyn
nici tu nu mai ai lentilele acelea
prin care puteai pipai absolutul
in pieptul...   (13 afisari)
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