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  Nr. 4260 de marti, 17 iunie 2008 
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The adversary's mistake brings Ion Iliescu's third settlement
It is not Vasile Blaga who has lost Bucharest, it is Traian Basescu who has lost Romania's capital city! There is a row of fatal mistakes behind the President, like the white pebbles dropped by Hansel and Gretel.
Traian Basscu was head over heels involved in the electoral campaign, actually more involved than allowed by caution and interests. This is the first mistake. Vasile Blaga was perceived as "Basescu's man". The head...   (23 afisari)
Democrat-Liberals defeated in local elections
The results of last Sunday's second tour of the local elections are showing the defeat of the PD-L (Democrat-Liberal Party), both in Bucharest and the other important cities in Romania. According to the communique from the Central Electoral Office released yesterday, independent candidate Sorin Oprescu was elected a general mayor of Bucharest due to a score of 56,3%, thus defeating the PD-L candidate Vasile Blaga, with a score of 43,68%.
The...   (21 afisari)
Traian Basescu goes bankrupt
The defeat of Vasile Blaga in Bucharest together with the defeat the PD-L (Democrat-Liberal Party) has suffered in the local elections, as well as Ion Iliescu's comeback after last Sunday's scrutiny are actually effecting from the strategies mastered by the President of Romania Traian Basescu, the main brand of the PD-L. The active interference of the latter party's master in the electoral campaign of the presidential party has made Vasile Blaga's failure be...   (25 afisari)
Vasile Blaga doesn't resign
Given the request of the Romanian President Traian Basescu and of the other leaders of the PD-L (Democrat-Liberal Party), the head of the latter party's Bucharest branch, that is Vasile Blaga, will not resign, although he had insisted that he would do it if failing to be elected a genera mayor of Bucharest.
The President of Romania and the PD-L officials asked Vasile Blaga not to resign, given his position and authority in the party. The leaders decided not...   (22 afisari)
Conservatives join Social-Democrats in alliance again
Yesterday the Romanian Conservatives joined the 'victorious' Social-Democrats, announcing they won elections together. Although an alliance between the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) and the PC (Conservative Party) hasn't been officially registered so far, the leaders of the two parties are hopeful the alliance will become official by July 11, when a common National Council is due and the leaders are to make their government offer. The...   (16 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Moldovan forbidden to study in Romania
The Moldovan Republic and Romania didn't sign the Protocol between the education ministries of the two states because of a norm included in the text by the Romanian authorities. The point concerns the making of branches of Romanian superior education institutions on the Moldovan territory, which is not settled in the Moldovan legislation.
Still there is mentioned that the Moldovan ministry is willing to develop and diversify the collaboration...   (24 afisari)
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