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  Nr. 4257 de vineri, 13 iunie 2008 
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The great regrets
The President has once again said something he said one hundred times before: that he is sorry he appointed Calin Popescu Tariceanu a PM. He says he regrets the "filthy gypsy" episode and more language blunders. Last week while in Cluj he said it loud that he felt sorry that a certain moment he had intended to sack Tudor Giurgiu, a president of the Romanian Public Television Network. After the 2004 he apologized for saying that 20% of Romanians were homosexuals. In the...   (24 afisari)
Traian Basescu's government
After the elections due next autumn Romania's PM will be a Liberal-Democrat. This is what the President of Romania Traian Basescu said in an interview to the Tele M TV channel. He went for a powerful minority government to be established by the PD-L (Democrat-Liberal Party). This as been President Basescu's response to the initiative meant to get the PD-L isolated, an initiative belonging to Ion Iliescu, the President reckons.
His intention to appoint...   (23 afisari)
Candidates Vasile Blaga and Sorin Oprescu exchange last compliments
In the last days before the second tour of the local elections due next Sunday, candidates have been taking efforts to improve their capital by rougher statements against the adversaries. After a rather plain and passive campaign, some candidates look like waking up and dropping recriminations that have made some think about cheat.
Independent candidate Sorin Oprescu faced his opponent, the Democrat-Liberal...   (25 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Supreme Court: Presence of Christian icons in Romanian schools is legal
The High Court of Justice decided yesterday that the presence of Christian Orthodox icons in Romanian schools was legal. This is the sentence reached to the appeal against a former verdict, initiated by the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research and 150 NGOs.
According to the court, the Ministry and the Coalition for Respect for the Religious Feeling were right to address Justice against the National...   (26 afisari)
Stable rating
Moody's Agency is warning about the risks emerging because of the high level of Romania's current account deficit, but the agency hasn't got the intention to lower the rating. The Moody's senior analysts Dietmar Hornung announced it, according to Mediafax.
The Moody's official informed Romania's stable prospects would continue, as the agency was satisfied with the rating set for Romania, and he added it would stay the same. (F.B.)   (17 afisari)
A r h i v a
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 SCOR FINAL: Romania-Italia, 1-1 (1566 afisari)
 20 de angajati ai Serviciului Permise Auto din Pitesti, retinuti pentru luare de mita (1287 afisari)
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