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  Nr. 4256 de joi, 12 iunie 2008 
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The big political cheat
President Traian Basescu has released a new concept on the market: political cheat. A colloquial phrase, it has appealed to both the outskirts and the centre. And the phrase is now developing a career in all the media. And doctor Sorin Oprescu has now given it a new spur by accusing important representatives of the political class of political cheat so that he would lose elections and fail to become a general mayor of Bucharest. So here I am writing about the political...   (33 afisari)
Wrath in Liberal camp
The rivalry between Bogdan Olteanu and Ludovic Orban is giving hard times to the PNL (National Liberal Party), the party now in power. Bogdan Olteanu, a president of the Chamber of Deputies, has recently said that the President of Romania Traian Basescu is trying to rebuild the "Truth and Justice" Alliance by leading the PD-L (Democrat-Liberal Party) closer to a PNL headed by the leader of Bucharest Liberals. This hypothesis is the latest episode in this war between...   (19 afisari)
Romanian ambassadress' laundry
A few ZIUA journalists went to Cyprus a short while ago trying to trace the Trigranit Company, which is about to grab a huge piece of central Bucharest and build a real estate project called the Esplanade. As reported yesterday, we discovered that, instead of offices, the address of the company was actually the shelter of a lawyers' house, founded by Kypros Chrysostomides, a minister of justice and public order in Cyprus. One daughter of the same minister is...   (45 afisari)
King avoided ex President Ion Iliescu
More than 800 guests, some of them representatives of 14 Royal Houses in Europe, ex presidents and PMs of Romania, outstanding members of the Orthodox Church and top men of letters together with representatives of Bucharest diplomats gathered in the Romanian Athenaeum, Bucharest, last Tuesday evening to celebrate the 60 years of marriage between King Mihai I of Romania and Queen Ana.
Here are some of the nobles attending the event: Her Majesty Queen...   (31 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
6 Romanians die in Italy
6 Romanian workers died in an industrial accident in Italy. They were actually found dead in an expurgation tank. They seem to have died because of poisoning substances.
The accident took place in Sicily, 35 kilometers away from Catania. 4 of he Romanians were employed by the city authorities in Mineo. The other 2 were working for a private company. (Z.O.)   (16 afisari)
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