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  Nr. 4255 de miercuri, 11 iunie 2008 
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Feeling guilty
Sorin Oprescu is out fighting in such a way to cause panic. He is accusing the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) and the PL-D (Liberal-Democrat Party) of Byzantine deals written by Miron Mitrea and Vasile Blaga on napkins while dining in restaurants. Like the Yalta kind, Sorin Oprescu is claiming. Or something like the conspiracy meeting between Muresan and Remes. It is just that no bidding, money or sausages are at stake for negotiations. It is the fate of Sorin Oprescu, along...   (31 afisari)
Poisoning from doctor Oprescu
Sorin Oprescu, the independent candidate wishing to be elected a general mayor of Bucharest next Sunday, claimed, but showed no proof that his adversary, the Democrat-Liberal Vasile Blaga, together with the Social-Democrat Miron Mitrea, plotted against him straight by negotiations. Doctor Sorin Oprescu accused that the two politicians had used a napkin in a restaurant to draw those pieces of Bucharest each of them was to get. He didn't mention the restaurant...   (23 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
European Commission to warn Romania about budget deficit
According to Bucharest and Brussels sources, the European Commission is to pass today a warning about the budget deficit in Romania, arguing that figures are currently taking distance from the 0,9% of the GDP target. Amelia Torres, a spokeswoman for the EU Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs Joaquin Almunia, has reminded that last April the Commissioner mentioned there would follow an evaluation of every country...   (20 afisari)
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Second quality capital city
As far as the quality of life is concerned, Bucharest is rated the first before the last capital city in the EU and it is number 108 in a world classification categorizing 215 cities. Zurich, Vienna and Geneva are top of the list in the research authored by the Mercer Consulting Company.
Romania's capital city is rated just like in 2007.
Still it is to be mentioned that the standards of life in Bucharest are rated as superior to those in Sophia,...   (16 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romanian newly-born are sure to be victims
Romanian toddlers stand the least chances to survive and make it to their second year of life. Research claims they are the unluckiest infants in the states of Europe, followed by the babies born in Slovenia, the Czech Republic and Great Britain, Daily Mail reports.
As far as the child death rate is concerned, Romania is an absolute champion, given a rate of 15 per 1,000 toddlers. (...) (C.S.)   (22 afisari)
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