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  Nr. 4254 de marti, 10 iunie 2008 
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Will it be Vasile Blaga or Sorin Oprescu?
The answer to this question may effect significantly on the relations between the political forces this year and also on the lives of Bucharest inhabitants. Can we already guess who will win and be elected a general mayor of Bucharest? If we have got enough arguments for an estimation, we shouldn't avoid taking this risk.
If Vasile Blaga wins, the PD-L (Democrat-Liberal Party) is sure to consolidate a lot and stand most chances in the parliamentary...   (65 afisari)
EU aks Romania for another Constitution
The Romanian minister of justice Catalin Predoiu announced yesterday that EU members were concerned about the delayed parliamentary procedures on high level corruption cases in Romania, cases involving Romanian MPs enjoying ungrounded immunity. The minister argued that one solution would be to modify the Constitution. He mentioned: "There are such concerns about the procedures lingering in the Parliament, procedures on the cases that should get consent,...   (22 afisari)
School means violence in Romania
The UNICEF-Romania together with the Romanian Ministry of Education and the Institute of Education Sciences have elaborated a survey showing that in over 75% of education institutions in Romania violence is something very common. And it is not only the students who are the targets, since 80% of teachers complain about aggressive behaviour and physical violence. The outcome of the analysis has been recently announced by Cipian Ciucu, a PR Manager of the Foundation...   (37 afisari)
King Mihai and Queen Ana celebrate 60 years of marriage
His Majesty King Mihai I of Romania and Her Majesty Queen Ana are celebrating 60 years of marriage today. Several events are due in the Elisabeta Palace, the Romanian Atheneum, rhe Athenee Palace Hilton and the Peles Castle. The royal couple is to celebrate together with their family, with members of other royal families in Europe, with friends from Romania and abroad and with top representatives of the Romanian society.
A press...   (149 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Foreign minister goes to Vatican
The Romanian foreign minister Lazar Comanescu met yesterday at the Vatican with Dominique Mambert, a secretary for relations with states, the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs reports.
The two officials talked about means to develop the bilateral political dialogue, about cooperation between public authorities and the Catholic Church in Romania, the Romanian community in the Diaspora and the hospitality of the Church in Rome. The regional...   (17 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Swiss cheat
Hand in hand with the Romanian Ministry of Defense, MOWAG Company is getting ready to cheat on the Romanian budget with 1 billion Euro. The affair consists in the plan that the Ministry should buy 600 Swiss PIRANHA blinded transporters to replace the old TABs by 2025. The first 60 million Euro are already on the way to the Swiss bank accounts.
The problem is not the kind of device the Ministry wants to buy, but the way the Ministry has settled the purchase: to buy...   (59 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
President Basescu admits Romania must win fight against high level corruption
The President of Romania Traian Basescu recounts that in last Monday's meeting with the President of Finland Tarja Halonen they analyzed the way Romania met EU entry requirements, especially in terms of justice. "And I admitted that Romania has still got some duties in relation with the EU, as far as the fight against high level corruption is concerned."
In an interview to Deutsche Welle last week...   (23 afisari)
Advantage for Sorin Oprescu in error rate
Just one week before the scrutiny to decide on the future general mayor of Bucharest, the independent candidate Sorin Oprescu is rated first, due to 51, 2%. His opponent Vasile Blaga, a candidate from the PD-L (Democrat-Liberal Party), comes second with 48,8%.
The information is part of an opinion poll by INSOMAR, achieved in June 6-8, 2008. Research authors admit an error rate of 1,5% for the results, which is actually more than...   (18 afisari)
A r h i v a
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