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  Nr. 4248 de marti, 3 iunie 2008 
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Ion Iliescu initiates the second crusade against Traian Basescu
"A front against the right!" This is what Mircea Geoana cried out, while giving Ion Iliescu a blink, as token of his complicity. Mircea Geoana's most important 'skill' is that he changes faster that the bank credit interest. Hardly had the exit polls turned into tabels on the small screens when the leader of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) was already dumping Cristian Diaconescu to hug Sorin Oprescu instead. There was such...   (33 afisari)
Civilized talk
What does it mean to be "civilized"? Obviously, being highly educated, wearing a tie, eating with a fork, or cutting one's nails weekly is not enough. We all know that being "civilized" in this formal way doesn't prevent people from behaving like barbarians. Everywhere and at all times, being civilized means being able to recognize and accept the humanity of others, despite their different modes of living.
That may seem like an obvious point, but it is not universally...   (22 afisari)
Despots clash
Bucharest has turned into a battlefield for Ion Iliescu and Traian Basescu, the two politicians behind independent Sorin Oprescu and Democrat-Liberal Vasile Blaga, who are to compete against each other in the second tour of the Bucharest general mayor election.
The old Communist called Ion Iliescu opened the battle by announcing that the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) would be supporting doctor Sorin Oprescu in the competition and by asking that all the political forces should...   (25 afisari)
Local masters
According to the provisory results of last Sunday's local elections, the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) and the PD-L (Democrat-Liberal Party) are the winners of the competition for the leadership over the local district councils in Romania, which is of great importance to political parties in terms of local funds and power. The PSD and the PD-L managed to get the largest number of seats for their local 'barons'.
In political terms, the teams the two parties came up with...   (26 afisari)
International press watches Romania
Last Sunday's local elections in Romania haven't passed unnoticed in the international press. The scrutiny is depicted as a means to measure the popularity of political parties in relation to the general elections due next autumn.
According to Reuters, for instance, a good score of the Romanian Liberals in power or of the groups in the opposition would provide the latter with ammunition to negotiate on arrangements concerning a coalition to be made...   (25 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
King Mihai I to return to Peles Castle
More than 60 years after his abdication and after almost 19 years since the 1989 Romanian Revolution, King Mihai I of Romania is returning to Peles Castle. The event is due next Thursday, as announced by His Majesty's Press Office. In his visit the King, a lawful owner of the Royal Estate in Sinaia, Romania, is to be accompanied by Queen Ana , Her Highness Princess Margareta and His Highness Prince Radu. The Press Office has announced the...   (40 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romanian PM: I broke the law, which is "absolutely minor"
The Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu thinks that breaking the law is something "minor".
When journalists asked him to explain why he had broken the law when voting last Sunday in the local elections and using his elector's card instead of his identity card, banned by Emergency Ordinance 20/ 2008, a document released by the very Tariceanu Cabinet, the Romanian PM said he wasn't taking any interest in "absolutely minor...   (17 afisari)
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