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  Nr. 4247 de luni, 2 iunie 2008 
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The blind go voting
There were two events that occured on this year's Blind Sunday. The Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu was the protagonist of one and an entire community was the hero of the second. The bricks the PM dropped in the poll station and the thirst for votes present with the electors in the village of Stefanesti were completely different in terms of cause and effect. But both events share a territory which seems to be beyond the law.
Calin Popescu Tariceanu told the...   (20 afisari)
Sorin Oprescu and Vasile Blaga to play final over Bucharest City Hall
According to yesterday evening's exil polls, the PD-L (Democrat-Liberal Party) candidate Vasile Blaga is to compete against independent candidate Sorin Oprescu over the Bucharest City Hall.
It is to be noticed that market research would claim during the campaign that doctor Sorin Oprescu was top of the list. Still exit polls show it is the other way around: the 'bulldog' is topping the list. The official results are...   (35 afisari)
Scrutiny show
Iasi: Roma used as electoral agents
The Liberals accused that the PD-L (Democrat-Liberal Party) was using Roma people as electoral agents and they announced the police. It was informed by press release: "Fraga Stanescu, the wife of the Roma boss in Ciurea, says the PD-L candidate Dan Carlan promised to take her son out of prison if she campaigns for the PD-L in front of the poll station."
Gorj: Lost stamp
The president of a poll station in the village of Telesti,...   (25 afisari)
Electoral propaganda in elections' day
Romanian politicians were quite eager to vote yesterday morning and they took this for opportunity to assail their adversaries and proceed to some more propaganda for their parties, although forbidden by the law. The Social-Democrats dropped hints against the Liberals, announcing the elections would reconfirm their domination of the political stage, whereas the Liberals urged the electors to vote for their own candidates.
It is to be noticed that,...   (16 afisari)
Becali vs Oprea in land mongers' war
The real estate interests of land mongers turned Stefanesti, a village in the district of Ilfov, Romania, into a battlefield. Gigi Becali, a representative of the PNG (New Generation Party), and Gabriel Oprea, a representative of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), competed against each other in electoral promises and bribes that drove the electors mad.
So they came down upon the two poll stations, breaking windows and doors. Discipline was...   (21 afisari)
PM voted illegally
The Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu proved yesterday that he had no idea about the electoral legislation authored by the Cabinet he himself heads. The PM voted after showing his elector's card, a document not accepted as proof of identity, according to the Emergency Ordinance 20/ 2008, released by the very Tariceanu Cabinet. The latter document has it that a Romanian citizen may vote only if he/ she shows an identity card, a passport, a provisory identity...   (18 afisari)
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