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  Nr. 4246 de sambata, 31 mai 2008 
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Pigs' ascent can be prevented!
The scenes showing senators Marius Marinescu and senator Corneliu Vadim Tudor throwing insults around, offending their political opponents, the TV show hosts and guests, the candidates running in the general Bucharest mayor elections, can but reopen debate on the triumph of rudeness on Romania's public stage. It is a triumph fueled by dirty, negative campaigns,using all the filthy ammunition fired in the 18 years that have passed since the fall of communism....   (20 afisari)
Romanians to elect local representatives
18 million Romanians are to elect their mayors, local and district councilors and district council presidents this Sunday. The electors are to show an identity document (identity card or passport) when going to the poll station they are distributed to, depending on the address. Romanians can vote this Sunday from 7:00 a.m. till 9:00 p.m. The local election legislation can be accessed at www.beclocale2008.ro.
The June 1 scrutiny is the...   (18 afisari)
1 of 3 teenagers took drugs
Drugs seem to be on the rise on the Romanian market, in Bucharest in particular. It grows even more shocking because of a recently completed poll: 35% of 1,000 high school and university students, aged between 14 and 21, say they took drugs at least once. If the tendency goes this way, 1 of 2 students will yield to the temptation by 2012 and Romania will get a rate of 50% occasional consumers aged between 14 and 21. This is the conclusion of this latest opinion...   (12 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Justice is flowed in Romania and Bulgaria
The European Commission's report on the state of Romanian Justice, released last February, was less rough than the one on Bulgarian Justice, still it unveiled more cynicism. This is a conclusion expressed in a thorough commentary published yesterday by The Economist and tackling the EU enlargement. The article reviews the benefits of the process, as well as the numerous difficulties of the new comers. Corruption and organized criminality...   (14 afisari)
LATEST - in Brief
Romanian Embassy in Chishinau collapses
Diplomatic relations between Romania and the Moldovan Republic have surely weakened in the last years. And the building housing Romania's Embassy in Chishinau is no better. One of the walls separating the Romanian Embassy, close to a building site, collapsed last Friday morning and 70% of it is damaged for good, the NewsIn announces.
According to secretary Florin Lencu, no one was hurt and communication is safe. He explains: "There is...   (24 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Chlorine chicken
The EU intends to do the Americans a favor forbidden by the community legislation, inconceivable for the member states. Brussels wants to please Washington and allow for the import of chlorine-treated chicken from the US.
This procedure is used in American farms to prevent the salmonela. This treatment is forbidden in the EU, where chicken meat producers must invest in alternative procedures, which raises the price of EU chicken.
The European Commission...   (17 afisari)
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