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  Nr. 4243 de miercuri, 28 mai 2008 
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God's presence and Gigi Becali's dream
I don't think Romania has got a politician with a contribution more genuine, more down to earth and more typically Romanian than that of Gigi Becali. As boss of an official political party, Gigi Becali shows better than anyone how real certain arguments are. I mean those arguments why the great capital cities of Europe, displaying a painfully ironical smile, take Romania for an example of a starting democracy to pay for the sins committed in more...   (37 afisari)
Impotent America?
-- Israel's 60th anniversary has come and gone. So, too, has PresidentGeorge W. Bush's final visit to the Middle East. Amidst the celebrations and thesoul-searching, no meaningful breakthrough in the deadlocked Israeli-Palestinian negotiations is visible.
There are immediate reasons why this is so: Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's
government is weak and unpopular, mainly due to the botched 2006 war against
Hezbollah in Lebanon. The Palestinian Authority under Mahmoud...   (20 afisari)
Ukraine nails Romania to the wall
Volodimir Litvin, an outstanding leader of the left in Kiev, has asked the Ukrainian authorities for drastic sanctions against Romania, against a background of intensifying nationalist-xenophobe rhetoric on the political stage in the ex Soviet state.
A controversial politician and a former president of Ukraine's one-Chamber Parliament, Volodomir Litvin has been a relentless critic of the Ukrainian government's "caution" in the relations with Romania,...   (44 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Frigate cheat continues
The two frigates the ex Nastase Cabinet bought from Britain to leave the national budget without 144 million Euro are now reused by the Tariceanu Cabinet for an even worse affair. The government in power wants to invest 500 million Euro in these two luxury relics so that they would meet the NATO standards.
The BAE Systems, the British company who sold the two ships to Romania, had bought the frigates from the Royal Navy paying 248,000 Euro for both....   (33 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Tourists advised to watch bags while in Romania
Pickpockets, taxi drivers who ask for as much as they please, homeless dogs, astonishing bills in restaurants and mad driving in the city are some points used to describe Romania for foreign tourists in the Lonely Planet guide.
The 2008 traveler's guide for tourists wishing to visit Romania warns that in the main cities like Bucharest, Brasov, Constanta, Iasi, Suceava and Timisoara pickpockets are everywhere. Travelers are advised...   (28 afisari)
Liberal PM is dissatisfied with ongoing campaign
The Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, a president of the National Liberal Party, has recenty commented that the ongoing electoral campaign is actually proof of a return to the aggressive practices of the early 90s, which he is blaming on the Democrat-Liberal Party. He opines the latter party is even more aggressive than the Social-Democrat Party.
The Liberal leader argues: "I am very dissatisfied with this electoral campaign,...   (20 afisari)
President Basescu: Former regime relics still work
The President of Romania Traian Basescu had the floor yesterday when Constantin Ticu Dumitrescu, a political detainee under the Communit regime, launched his memoirs. The President was straight: "I can tell you that the power structures of the ex Communist state are no longer working nowadays. I am telling it in full awareness and responsibility, as a head of state." Still he admitted that some human relics were still at work, "people part...   (26 afisari)
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