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  Nr. 4235 de luni, 19 mai 2008 
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God's regional urbanism plan
-- The great earthquake to come seems unlikelier than death. This is why it isn't mentioned in the electoral project of any candidare running in election to become a general mayor of Bucharest. But the unavoidable mayors are planning to give us some time in a Bucharest full of omnipresent pansies and surrounded by durable pavement curbs.
Bucharest is not at all a capital city, it is a birthday cake. The city divided in 6 attracting pieces, actually a waste...   (21 afisari)
From Middle Israel to Middle Palestine
-- Americans speak of "Middle America" and Britons of "Middle England." Bothare near mythic places that supposedly embody the authentic character of the nation. Israel, too, has its "Middle Israel," but it is very different from the place that Americans and Britons describe.
Rather than being somewhat provincial, Middle Israel is educated, bilingual or
multilingual, and extremely well connected to the wider world. It has provided
Israel with the...   (20 afisari)
'Stained' candidates run for leadership over district councils
The CGC (Coalition for Clean Governing) has identified 56 candidates running for leadership over district councils in Romania, although not meeting the integrity criteria. On this black list there are people like Social-Democrats Ilie Sarbu, Liviu Dragnea and Marian Oprisan, Liberals Victor Dobre and Oviu Silaghi, Democrat-Liberals Cristian Boureanu and Ionel Mantog.
According to the research, there seems to be a real shortage...   (16 afisari)
President opened Palace to visitors
-- Lots of Romanians crowded to visit the Cotroceni Palace in Bucharest yesterday, the open gates day symbolizing one year after the failure of the national referendum meant to suspend the President of Romania Traian Basescu.
Yesterday afternoon the President proved a very hospitable host, after returning from his short visit to Mangalia in the morning. He argued: "May 19 is a day to be included in the Cotroceni calendar as a day of open gates. It is the...   (16 afisari)
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 Greu de... imbatranit: Veteranii Harrison Ford si Robert Redford fac capetele sa se intoarca dupa ei (1895 afisari)
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