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  Nr. 4234 de sambata, 17 mai 2008 
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cu ce cuvinte sa vorbesc fetei tale
schilodite de ura sub
camera stramta in care eu
si tot ce am eu
asteptam pe podea
si asta e atat de crunt desi
nu pentru mine. Iar pentru mine
ar fi atat de bine sa simt ceva
crunt. Ca un mobil care suna
in mijlocul unui vis in care plangi de
ceva frumos ceva cald ceva bun
cum sa adun fetele astea doua
in ceva oarecum alert cat de cat inspaimantator
asta e o drama live si te rog
sa intelegi asta dar te rog
sa nu...   (14 afisari)
Romanians, a people of stupid murderers
Right in front of the Michael the Brave statue in the University Square, Bucharest, there has been planted overnight a monstrous steel pillar with an indicator showing the way to take to reach the locality of Urziceni. I have got nothing against this nice town in the fields, but drivers could learn about it by other means and from an indicator placed not that close to the statue. Given this, maybe we shall soon get to see the saint patron of Bucharest,...   (23 afisari)
   (19 afisari)
Hospital of dread
Nine female patients hospitalized in a ward in the Pneumophtisiology Department of the District Hospital in Suceava, Romania, went through hours of nightmare. A patient in the same ward died, but the corpse was taken out 12 hour later. The cynnicism of the nurses who were in the hospital that night went so far that, when announced that the woman had passed away, they recommanded the other patients in the ward should take the corpse to the morgue themselves. And it happened...   (16 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Bacali's third bag
The DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department) opened a third case against Gigi Becali, charging him with bribery. Before the two attempts with the bag full of Euros he carried in Liverpool and with the suitcase full of dollars he fetched to Cluj, Romania, Gigi Becali had tried to place a bag of banknotes in the Romanian Ministry of Defense.
It happened in 1999, when he left 120 million ROL at the gate of the Air Force headquarters, claiming it was sponsorship...   (24 afisari)
How the Prince of Marbella was caught
The case of some foreign gun dealers arrested last year in Romania and sued now in the US is unveiling hot, so far confidential information on negotiations that took place in Romania. The way the 'Prince was Marbella', that is Syrian Monzer Al-Kassar, involved in the network of Viktor Bout, the 'merchant of death', was caught is relevant of it. A Manhattan federal court is now investigating the Monzer Al-Kassar case.
According to New York Times, the...   (37 afisari)
A r h i v a
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 Presedintele Basescu gafeaza, dar are dreptate.. (1649 afisari)
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 Cum sa dezbraci o femeie cu excavatorul (6956 afisari)
 O femeie de 49 de ani, acuzata ca a provocat o farsa mortala pe internet (2312 afisari)
 Socant: Gasita moarta in fata televizorului, dupa 42 de ani  (2288 afisari)
 Irlanda: Frauda bancara de 1 milion de euro dirijata din Romania, Italia si Spania  (1930 afisari)
 Serviciul de spionaj britanic, banuit de implicare in scandalul sexual din Formula 1 (1728 afisari)
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