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  Nr. 4232 de joi, 15 mai 2008 
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The masters of Justice
What are the deputies in the subcommittee looking into the criminal cases against Adrian Nastase and Miron Mitrea doing? Filthy things, just like we imagind the very minute the subcommittee was established. Given their visible wish to help Miron Mitrea get away with it, these deputies aren't even patient enough to reach a final decision on the case. Instead of taking their time, they have expressed a view too early, claiming the case is poorly grounded, made up...   (23 afisari)
'Condom' plan
The Romanian MPs are going on with their analysis of the criminal cases against colleagues of their, former or present ministers, and they are still ignoring the warnings that the Parliament is turning into a false court for its on members.
The deputies' subcommittee supposed to decide on the criminal cases against Miron Mitrea and Adrian Nastase accomplished mission by settling that the consent to the opening of criminal investigations was to be decide by means of votes....   (21 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Rome officials take action against the Roma
The right government ruling over Italy, headed by PM Silvio Berlusconi, has started to carry out the promises made during the electoral campaign. The new set of measures to fight illegal immigration is to be completed tomorrow and facilitate the expulsion of outlaws, mainly the Romanians in Italy.
Bucharest authorities, also in electoral campaign right now, are taking action too: Romania's interior minister Cristian David is in Italy...   (16 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romanian PM talked to Italy's foreign minister
Yesterday in the opening of the Romannian government meeting, PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu announced: "The Italian foreign minister has informed me that the set of measures on immigration the Italian authorities are working on is meant for the citizens of non-EU states. They are not after measures to harm the EU citizens and the EU norms are going to be met."
He described his phone call with the Italian foreign minister Franco Frattini...   (16 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Nabucco and PEOP are vital to EU
The President of Romania Traian Basescu argued yesterday that the Constanta-Trieste pipeline would provide a safe and straight route for the oil to be transported from the Caspian region to Europe.
In the speech he delivered yesterday while attending the Wilton Park conference on the energy security in the EU and the Black Sea context, the President explained: "In our opinion, the Nabucco gas pipeline is a priority for the European energy policy....   (18 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Moldovan authorities express claims from Romanian officials
Bucharest is housing more Romanian-Moldovan talks on the basic treaty and the border treaty between the two states and the Moldovan authorities' claims are now prevailing.
According to a statemtnt by the Moldovan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, released the day before the opening of the ongoing talks, Chishinau authorities are proposing that the Moldovan Republic's entire territory and Transdniestria should be included...   (16 afisari)
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