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  Nr. 4231 de miercuri, 14 mai 2008 
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Illegal local elections
If you are watching the 2008 local elections show, then you are curious to browse articles on the elections held 4 years ago and find similar points and differences so that you can see if the politicians involved have changed offers or habits in the meantime. You are also curious to see if they have learnt something from their mistakes and if they have grown more civil. Unfortunately, the conclusion you can reach fast is the one you can guess: there is nothing...   (17 afisari)
Vatican takes sides with Romanians in Italy
While the Romanian interior minister Cristian David is taking efforts to soften the scandal on the Romanian immigrants in Italy, Romania's labor minister Paul Pacuraru is announcing the intention to modify legislation on the Romanians working abroad. And the Vatican has informed in the meantime that the Romanian people is not to be "demonized" and "illegal immigration is not to be taken for a crime".
Cardinal Martino, a 'minister' of justice...   (15 afisari)
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Eco threats at Romania's border
Belene, Kozlodui, Bastroe, Giurgiulesti and Ungheni are places where there can take place catastrophes to harm people and the ecosystem as well. The ambitions of Bulgaria, Ukraine and the Moldovan Republic keep on disregarding international laws and conventions.
In their thirst for energy, the Bulgarians made a deal with the Russians to build a power plant that would actually equate 100 Hiroshima bombs 100 kilometers away from Bucharest, in...   (23 afisari)
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ECHR sentences Romania for mistreating detainee
The ECHR sentenced Romanian yesterday because of some policemen's inhuman, degrading treatment of a Romanian male. The victim who was beaten several times is to cash 8,000 Euro damages as moral prejudice, the AFP reports.
The events happened in January 1996. Florin Georgescu, at that time aged 30, got into provisory detention for cheat and forgery. At first he was imprisoned for 3 months and he says he was beaten in the very first...   (15 afisari)
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No decision on criminal case against Miron Mitrea
The juridical committee's report on the criminal case against Miron Mitrea includes no precise recommandetion on agreement or disagreement to the opening of criminal inquiry against him. Segiu Andon, president of the committee, explained a decision was up to court, the only one entitled to decide on the Social-Democrat deputy's fate, claiming the committee wanted to avoid breaking the principle of the separation of powers in state....   (15 afisari)
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Candlelight to commemorate AIDS victims
The Romanian Anti-AIDS Association has organized a ceremony to commemorate the AIDS/ HIV victims by candles lit in their memory in several cities: Bucharest, Iasi, Timisoara, Piatra-Neamt, Craiova, Constanta, Cluj-Napoca, Bacau, Brasov and Arad.
Lots of communities throughout the world gather together in the third Sunday of every May to light candles for the International Day of Light Candles. The Romanian Anti-AIDS Associatiion explains...   (17 afisari)
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