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  Nr. 4230 de marti, 13 mai 2008 
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Ammunition against Basescu
President Traian Basescu's tough words against the opponents of Vasile Blaga, the PD-L (Democrat-Liberal Party) candidate to run in the Bucharest general mayor election are new proof that the head of state is very aggressively involved in the electoral campaign, since he doesn't care about his unbiased status settled in the Constitution. A few days ago he assailed all the important political parties, except for the presidential one. And last Sunday, after going...   (23 afisari)
What is the West?
Everyone everywhere has by now heard about the "clash of civilizations." This Samuel Huntington concept has become universal. In the 1950's, the French economist, Alfred Sauvy had a comparable success with the expression "third world." One reason these phrases gain wide acceptance is their lack of clear definition. The "clash of civilizations," basically the West against the rest, is supposed to describe the world as it is. In reality, the West is vague enough to include...   (24 afisari)
Romanian PM: Support for xenophobic attitude can harm Romanian-Italian relations
The Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu announced yesterday the Romanian government's intention to initiate dialogue on Romanian criminals with the Italian authorities. He mentioned: "I am going to propose to the Italian authorities that Romania should urgently send police representatives and prosecutors there so that they would give support to the Italian officials' efforts to fight criminality."
The official...   (96 afisari)
Employees leave Romania to earn more
According to the Romanian labor minister Paul Pacuraru, Romania may get to face a shortage of labor force in the next 5-10 years, which is not the case for the time being. He argued that the demographic deficit was one major reason for it.
The minister announced there were some 80,000-100,000 official vacancies in the country, but the deficit was likely to be greater, since not all the employers reported on the number of vacancies.
On the other...   (22 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Scheele instead of Caragiale
The Romanian Ministry of Education gave the cold shoulder to the great Romanian writers and took them out of the syllabus for the oral examination on Romanian literature, which teenagers are to pass in order to graduate high school. So the teachers ignored personalities such as I.L. Caragiale, George Calinescu, Ion Creanga, Marin Preda, George Bacovia, Nichita Stanescu, George Cosbuc, Tudor Arghezi, Mihail Sadoveanu, Octavian Goga, Marin Sorescu, Camil...   (17 afisari)
Pro Democracy asks President to be unbiased
The Pro Democracy Association asked the President of Romania Traian Basescu and public authorities yesterday to show respect for the principle of neutrality during the electoral campaign.
The Association mentions by press release that there have been noticed many cases of abusive use of public resources during the ongoing campaign and of public servants supporting certain candidates in the local elections. Therefore Pro Democracy...   (19 afisari)
A r h i v a
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