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  Nr. 4225 de miercuri, 7 mai 2008 
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The law on access to information useful to the party
The Parliament is now seized with dangerous fuss. Most senators are asking all the institutions entitled to it to declassify the documents related to Omar Hayssam's escape from Romania. And most deputies have been granted access to the criminal cases against Adrian Nastase and Miron Mitrea, which the Prosecutor's Office is in charge of.
The Presecutor's Office investigated on Omar Hayssam's escape, but the man had't fled Romania...   (19 afisari)
Parliament wants to do justice
The Romanian Senate is asking that the information on the Omar Hayssam case should be declassified, although the Senate has got no such attributions and it would thus get into a conflict with the CSAT (Supreme Council for National Defense). Senators are suspecting that several state institutions are involved in this and the declassification would cast light on the case. So the MPs proceeded to a parliamentary committee to look into Omar Hayssam's escape from...   (26 afisari)
Traian Basescu packs adversaries
"Unfortunately, the Constitutional Court continues to be reliable support for criminal politicians and MPs and prosecutors were wrong to enter the game, since all the criminal cases that have reached the Parliament so far had the Romanian President's consent for the start of criminal investigations." It was the President of Romania Traian Basescu who said it yesterday in his interview to the public radio station.
He argued as follows: "How come someone...   (21 afisari)
Securitate collaboraors may run in elections
Cazimir Ionescu, a member of the CNSAS (National Council for Research on the Communist Secret Service Archive), announced yesterday that the complete data on candidates might be received just 10 days before the election day. He added it would therefore be impossible to check on those wishing to be elected mayors or district council presidents in due time. "It seems they want quiet elections as far as the checks on collaboration with the ex Securitate...   (22 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Prince Charles visits Romania
Prince Charles of Wales was to reach a mansion in Miclosoara, the district of Covasna, Romania, yesterday afternoon and stay there for two days.
Presidency Administration announced yesterday that His Royal Highness was paying a private visit to Romania. Yesterday he was to meet with the President of Romania Traian Basescu, as well as with the Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu. According to authorized sources, he was to talk to the Romanian officials...   (109 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romania may get to house Mercedes factory
According to the Romanian businessman Ion Tiriac, Romania may get to house a Mercedes factory, since the Daimler car producer is showing great interest in investments in our country. Dieter Zetsche, a Daimler general manager, has confirmed the information true.
So far there have been several foreign publications to announce Romania is a favorite location for a new Mercedes factory. But the only thing the Daimler official has informed...   (30 afisari)
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