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  Nr. 4223 de luni, 5 mai 2008 
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Traian Basescu goes to war
What are all the political parties in Romania, except for the PD-L (Democrat-Liberal Party), lacking? A President willing to bet on his party once with the local elections. And who will be the only candidate to run in te presidential elections and count on a powerful and very disciplined party? The answer is easy: Traian Basescu. The mechanism works like bike pedals. When the head of state enjoys large credibility, he improves the party's electoral force gradually....   (21 afisari)
Naples mafia charges Roma from Romania
-- The Naples mafia charges the Romanian gypsies in Italy 50 Euro a month in order to allow them to live in barracks, among garbage and rats. The gypsies may beg and control the small, unauthorized wastes, on condition that they stay in the outskirts of Naples.
So the Roma community who lives in a Naples suburb has to pay 50 Euro a month to the Camorra, the Naples mafia. And the conditions are clear, according to La Republica. The Roma people may beg,...   (34 afisari)
Electoral elephant
Romanian Liberals are proving to be the most creative competitors in the ongoing electoral campaign, as they are fond of doing away with the common means to promote candidates. The members of the PNL (National Liberal Party) have taken up an unconventional approach to this year's campaign. So they have fetched to their own events elephants, balloons as high as nine stores, brassbands and fireworks.
Victor Manea is a Liberal candidate longing to be elected a mayor...   (17 afisari)
IMF spoils Romanian government's mood
The International Monetary Fund recommands the Romanian government should "strongly" oppose the cut on the VAT for food and an idea such as a pension raise earlier than scheduled (January 2009). According to the IMF, the government should approach the salary raise cautiously. After doing research in Bucharest last month, the IMF experts have concluded Romanian authorities should discourage such initiatives and others that would jeopardize the possibility...   (11 afisari)
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Renate Weber wants Franco Frattini to resign
The Liberal MEP Renate Weber asked late last week that the EU Justice Commissioner Franco Frattini should resign because of the statement he had made about the free circulation of people. The demand is to reach Jose Manuel Durrao Barosso, a president of the Parliament of Europe, today.
According to Renate Weber, the commissioner misled public opinion because of what he told La Stampa daily in April 23, claiming the Directive on EU...   (25 afisari)
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Romania has got new ambassador in London
Ion Jinga, Romania's new ambassador to the United Kingdom, showed Her Majety Queen Elizabeth II his accreditation letters last Friday.
After the ceremony at Buckingham Palace, the new official offered the "vin d'honneur" in Belgrave Square, a building belonging to Romania since 1930. The event was attended by officials from the Foreign Office in Britain and ambassadors of EU and NATO states.
Ion Jinga, formerly a Romanian ambassador...   (19 afisari)
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Famine knocks at the door
Over 100 million people may get to starve to death because of the food crisis emerging in the world, the World Bank warns. Such a 'tsunami' may effect from the migration of considerable masses of people in search for food.
And the crisis is already causing effects so far unimaginable. Some shops sell just a limited amount of rice in the US and Israel. The global warming, the demographic boom in the poor countries and the increasing consume are blamed...   (15 afisari)
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 Italia: Doi romani l-au jefuit pe cel mai batran episcop din lume (1091 afisari)
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