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  Nr. 4220 de sambata, 26 aprilie 2008 
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The 'ear' operation
Given the pressure emerging because of the NATO summit held in Bucharest, Romanian authorities committed an unprecedented deed, even if compared to the extinct communist regime. They created a new legal status for phone call intercepting. In fact, the phone calls of any Romanian or foreign citizen may be intercepted with no consent from a judge. So Romanians make a supervised nation. Those fed-up with the swearing for the secret services, coming from press, civil society...   (60 afisari)
The brains behind the politicians
Advisers, that is the brains behind the politicians, play a major part in the success or failure of an electoral campaign. The candidates running in this year's local elections hired adviser from the country, relying on the idea that they know Romanian reality better. In fact, the brains behind teaches politicians which political speeches to deliver and what kind of messages to express in order to win the electoral competition. Candidates are also taught...   (58 afisari)
Adrian Nastase betrayed Sorin Oprescu
Sorin Oprescu claimed during a TV show last Thursday that in the 2000 elections he had fallen victim to a deal between Adrian Nastase and Traian Basescu, carried out by Dan Ioan Popescu, at that time a head of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) branch in Bucharest.
Acquaintances of Sorin Oprescu's claim that he was sabotaged by the Social-Democrats this time too so that he wouldn't enter the Bucharest general mayor election. The Court of Appeal was...   (60 afisari)
Foreign Ministry: Crulic's death costs 1,000 Euro
Lazar Comanescu, Romania's new foreign minister, has proceded to some vague sanctions against those ministry officials to be blamed for the death of the young Romanian Claudiu Crulic, who had died in a Cracow hospital early this year, because of starting himself to death in order to protest against being charged with robbery and arrested by the authotiries in Poland.
The honorary council in the Romanian ministry decided last Thursday...   (81 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romanian PM goes abroad for Easter
The Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu will be spending the Easter holidays abroad together with his family. He is to return to the country at the end of the first week in May, Liberal sources say.
It is to be reminded that the Romanian PM spent the 2008 New Year's Eve abroad too. (R.G.)   (51 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romanians spend a lot on Easter holidays
Almost 95,000 Romanians bought tourism offers for the Easter and May 1 holidays. They are leaving for resorts in Romania or abroad. About 18,2 million Euro has been spent on it so far. 76,500 tourists are heading Romanian destinations and almost 300,000 have decided to spend Easter or May 1 in other countries.
According to Romanian tourism officials, the number of tourists from Romania who leave their homes for Easter and for May 1 is...   (64 afisari)
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