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  Nr. 4219 de vineri, 25 aprilie 2008 
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The general mayor's name
The decision to kick Sorin Oprescu out of competition is simplifying things for the PSD (Social-Democrat Party), but it is complicating things for the PNL (National Liberal Party) and the PD-L (Democrat-Liberal Party). There are three important political agents competing to become a general mayor of Bucharest: Vasile Blaga, Cristian Diaconescu and Ludovic Orban, alphabetically listed. It is obvious that none of them can win in the first tour. And in the second...   (22 afisari)
Court dismisses Sorin Oprescu's complaint
Sorin Oprescu got kicked once again yesterday, as the Bucharest Court confirmed the decision made by the Bucharest Electoral Office, rejecting the senator's candidacy for the Bucharest general mayor election. The judge decided that just the presence of a Romanian citizen's personal numerical code, name and signature on the support list was not enough for it to be registered. The Court of Appeal is the next way doctor Sorin Oprescu can...   (10 afisari)
PSD is willing to forgive doctor Sorin Oprescu
The members of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) don't share views on the idea to forgive Sorin Oprescu and welcome him back to the party. According to his supporters in the PSD, there may follow a derogation from the party's status so that doctor Sorin Oprescu would return.
According to the status, a member who resigned from the party may return at least one year after his resignation and if party members agree.
Ion Stan,...   (10 afisari)
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Electoral pieces
As local elections are approaching, the Tariceanu Cabinet provided half of a billion ROL to those city halls headed by members of the PNL (National Liberal Party), the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) and the UDMR (Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania). The funds reached 157 localities. 48 of them are ruled by Liberals (30,6%), 86 are headed by Social-Democrats (54,8%) and 11 are ruled by UDMR members (7%). Only 2 are in the hands of Democrat-Liberals (5,7%).
The...   (12 afisari)
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Ukraine vs Romania
Kiev's military ambition gets to the foreground regularly. The Romanian-Ukrainian disputes on a rock known as Snakes Island and its continental plateau, as well asRomania's opposition to the building of the Bastroe canal by Ukraine are taken by the "office strategists" in the latter state for main reasons why a military conflict should emerge between the two countries. And there are also the claims concerning Transdniestria, which are complicating things even...   (27 afisari)
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Bucharest is the most polluted capital city in Europe
According to the most recent top of the most polluted cities in the EU, the capital city of Romania is no. 1, followed by Sophia, Athens and Rome. The top is based on information collected in 2005, as the data collected previously were not processed yest.
Given the growing number of cars overcrowding the streets of Bucharest, we can confirm that our dear Bucharest deserves the first prize. There is information that the main...   (61 afisari)
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National Museum of Art to return confiscated paintings to Ceausescu family
The Bucharest court admitted last Thursday the appeal authored by Valentin Ceausescu, a son of deceased Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu. The court reached verdict that the National Museum of Art is to return to the dictator's family those paintings confiscated during the Revolution in December 1989. The Bucharest Court of Appeal may be addressed against the sentence in 15 days' time. (...)
Valentin...   (19 afisari)
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