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  Nr. 4217 de miercuri, 23 aprilie 2008 
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Disaster in Bucharest
Bucharest has got to be a city almost impossible to live in. The explosive economy development has filled the streets with cars polluting and overcrowding the city now impossible to bear. Mayor Adriean Videanu has turned into a ciy legend or at least his curbs have become a legend. In case not all of them are his, they will always be a legend related to his name. I can't forget that while mayor Adrian Videanu was in power, I could see the curbs changed on one avenue...   (34 afisari)
Caspian oil to cross Romania
The Romanian Ministry of Economy and Finance and the similar institutions in Croatia and Serbia signed yesterday in Bucharest the agreement on the making of a development company for the Constanta-Trieste oil pipe project: the PEOP (Pan European Oil Pipeline). After about 10 years of talks, the oil pipeline to fetch oil from the Caspian Sea region to the Western consumers is now to be achieved. Romania is actually turning into a bridge between the East and the...   (27 afisari)
Parliament muffles criminal cases against ministers
The Parliament of Romania is now to consent to the opening of criminal inquiries against some Romanian ministers, but both senators and deputies are claiming they don't know what to do with the records. Parliament officials are actually pointing to a deadlock of procedures, arguing that, once read by the juridical committees, the information in the records would become public and harm the normal progress of Justice.
So yesterday the...   (15 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Pay for UDMR
Since his mandate is approaching the end, the Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu paid the UDMR (Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania) for their support: 107,140 square meters on the Unirii Avenue, Bucharest, for 49 years. The current price of 1 square meter in the area is 3,500 Euro. The TriGranit Magyar developer in which the controversial businessman Arpad Paszkany is involved is going to build the Esplanade, a real estate project of 1 billion Euro.
The Tariceanu...   (25 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Secret CIA prisons and flights denied
The Romanian Senate passed yesterday the report on the alleged CIA detention centers in Romania, authored by the special committee looking into the matter.
According to the report, Romania has never housed such detention centers and there are no clues to confirm that civil US flights with prisoners aboard crossed Romania.
Gyorgy Frunda, a senator from the Democrat Union of Magyars in Romania, demanded that the annexes of the report...   (31 afisari)
IMF makes a point
The IMF released yesterday the latest version of the macroeconomical research on Romania. According to Albert Jaeger, a head of the IMF mission for Romania and Bulgaria, the current account deficit, inflation and international financial turbulences are the main concerns, as the IMF estimates the world's economy growth will slow down, which will effect on the emerging states like Romania.
According to the IMF expert, economy growth will be less than 6% this...   (18 afisari)
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