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  Nr. 4216 de marti, 22 aprilie 2008 
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The end of Ukraine and national interest
'Democratic' Ukraine is just 17 years old, since the dismemberment of the USSR. Today's Ukraine is an artificial state made of pieces Moscow piled in the ex Soviet Socialist Republic of Ukraine. One doesn't have to be Vladimir Putin to say it. This is a historical fact strongly related to us. This is why it is normal that every now and then the state of the Romanian East and of the Romanians in these provinces should be reminded to those who prefer...   (38 afisari)
India's Dalai Dilemma
As the world reacts to China's crackdown in Tibet, one country is conspicuous by both its centrality to the drama and its reticence over it. India, the land of asylum for the Dalai Lama and the angry young hotheads of the Tibetan Youth Congress, finds itself on the horns of a dilemma.
On one hand, India is a democracy with a long tradition of allowing peaceful protest, including against foreign countries when their leaders come visiting. It provided refuge to...   (22 afisari)
War because of Kiev and Chishinau treaties
The Moldovan delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe has demanded during the spring term for a moratorium on the Chishinau-Bucharest relations. The Pro-Russian Communist officials of the ex Soviet Republic are trying to influence Bucharest authorities' decisions on the Romanian ethnics in the Moldovan Republic and Ukraine, just as they are carefully coordinating their activity with the action of the separatist regime in...   (49 afisari)
Free Europe voice Monica Lovinescu dies in Paris
"This is Free Europe. This is Free Romania". The voice that would utter these words in the beginning of the famous Free Europe radio shows for decades passed away last Monday morning. Monica Lovinescu, aged 85, died after spending months in the Charles Richet Hospital in Val d'Oise, 15 kilometers away from Paris. Although ill, she had attended the funeral of her husband Virgil Ierunca in Sepmber 2006 while in a hospital mobile bed.
According...   (153 afisari)
PSD seized with total mess
Sabotage and treason are words the Romanian Social-Democrats have got to use more and more often. The sides within the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) have already started to reproach each other for a possible failure in the coming elections and more and more vice presidents are claiming Mircea Geoana's leadership is getting weakened.
According to PSD sources, the fight is more against the enemies within rather than those in different parties, as each...   (20 afisari)
Romania is vulnerable to credit crisis
In a Standard & Poor top, Romania is no. 3, after the Iceland and Lebanon, as a state most vulnerable in case the global credit crisis intensifies.
East European states are the most vulnerable emerging markets in case the crisis gets worse, according to the S & P report.
Analyst Moritz Kraemer argues that East European states are most vulnerable, whereas the states in Asia and South America are generally better protected against...   (33 afisari)
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