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  Nr. 4212 de joi, 17 aprilie 2008 
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The Stalingrad effect
The optimism of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) leaders about the Bucharest mayor election is undoubtedly false. If it becomes fact, doctor Sorin Oprescu's firm intention to be a candidate will overthrow all the calculations and estimations made so far. It is because scenarios can take into account only the predictable conduct of the main actors on the political stage. Any unpredictable attitude can change things and bring surprising results.
An adversary as...   (37 afisari)
Romanian President wants no treaty with Moldovan Republic
While attending a debate arranged by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, the President of Romania Traian Basescu put it straight: "I don't think we need to consolidate by our own will a document eleborated during WW II (the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact), which none of us takes for valid and legal." He argued Romania didn't need a document on its border with the Moldovan Republic, explaining that, since Kiev was making plans on the unification...   (63 afisari)
Romanian hackers top European Internet fraud list
In the second half of 2007 Romania housed the most phishing attacks in Europe. In the world's top Romania comes third, after the US and China. 98% of the attacks were proceded to by means of social networks, the MoneyChannel announces.
5% of the total number of phishing sites at a global level were detected in Romania, which is why Romania is no 3. in the world and no. 1 in Europe.
According to the US Justice Department, the Internet...   (459 afisari)
Cyanide for gold
The Romanian mining industry seems to continue to use cyanide to extract gold and silver, since the law draft banning the use of such substances was sent back to the industry and services committee in the Chamber of Deputies. Despite expectations, everyone can express satisfaction with this. On the one hand, the promoters of the Rosia Montana mining project can still hope they will carry out the investment. On the other hand, the opponents of this project too can hope the...   (23 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Moldovan deputy reports against Romania in Strasbourg
Grigore Petrenco, a Communist deputy in Chishinau, a president of the Foreign Affairs and European Integration Committee, as well as a permanent member of the Moldovan delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly in the Council of Europe, has elaborated an interpellation claiming the Moldovans in Romania are systematically persecuted by Bucharest authorities, the presa md. reports.
The leader of the Communist Youth Union, a...   (22 afisari)
Liberals are angry with party head
Most of the Liberals' leaders are angry with the "deal" between the Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, also a president of the PNL (National Liberal Party), and the Romanian President Traian Basescu, who decided to appoint Lazar Comanescu a foreign minister.
And this time it is most of the top leaders who are critical of the PM's attitude: Ludovic Orban, Crin Antonescu, Radu Stroe, Puiu Hasotti, Teodor Melescanu and Dan Radu Rusanu.
They...   (15 afisari)
Sorin Oprescu keeps PSD in suspense
The PSD (Social-Democrat Party) leaders are doing their best to prevent Sorin Oprescu's resignation from the party and his independent candidacy in the Bucharest mayor election. According to party sources, there will follow more talks to persuade him into giving up. But Sorin Oprescu announced on TV that he was determined to collect the number of support signatures he needed in order to subscribe his candidacy and that he would presently resign...   (19 afisari)
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