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  Nr. 4211 de miercuri, 16 aprilie 2008 
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They want lands!
On behalf of mayor Adriean Videanu, the General Council of Bucharest is asking the government for lands in order to give it to those landowners whose properties were confiscated under the communist regime and who are now an obstacle to two major projects pursued by the Bucharest City Hall: the Esplanade and the Izvor Urbanistic Development. Does it look fair? It does. Small Paris is therefore the beneficiary of some urbanistic projects. And the government is to give some...   (22 afisari)
A trip to Szeklers' land
The Szekler issue has reached the foreground again because of the Kosovo issue. Almost each and every day the press releases news about the Szekler leaders' autonomy claims. Once the pre-electoral campaign started, spirits have got hot. Politicians make war waging statements and the Szeklers are threatened that authorities will take action unless their leaders drop the autonomy project. But the state of things in the Szeklers' land differs a lot from the one politicians...   (28 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Lazar Comanescu takes over Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
-- Lazar Comanescu, formerly Romania's ambassador to the EU, took over the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday, when the President of Romania Traian Basescu told him: "The choice for you is the outcome of the fast political consesus reached by the decision-making institutions."
The President reminded about Romania's foreign affairs priorities, unchanged since 2005. He also pointed this was a mandate to be...   (27 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Mittal's servants
The Indian billionaire owning the Sidex factory doesn't care about the Tariceanu Cabinet's authority or about the privatization contract signed with the Nastase Cabinet. Only what Lakshmi Mittal orders is obeyed in Galati. This is why the factory workers have gone on strike, since the owners' thriftiness has made them go mad.
The ArcelorMittal Galati hasn't invested the $ 500 million promised by the contract kept secret by the government. The Indians break...   (20 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
MPs to ban cigarette advertising in Romania
The Romanian Senate passed the government's ordinance banning the advertising of tobacco products, as announced by Realitatea TV station. There were 45 senators to vote for it and only 2 to oppose it. The new document bans cigarette advertising in newspapers and any other publications, in theatres and in movie theatres as well. Traders will also be disallowed to sell or give free games or toys that promote smoking. It is forbidden to...   (17 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
More US soldiers to come to Romania
Some 700-800 US soldiers are going to come to Romania in June in order to start the common training part of the new Joint Task Force East in those bases Washington and Bucharest authorities agreed on, the Stars and Stripes announces.
The troop of soldiers is to be preceded by a team of officers and technical staff to reach Romania in May and make preparations for the first sessions of military training for Romanian and US soldiers. (...)
Most...   (20 afisari)
Privatization freezes because of elections
The Romanian state will fail to complete the sale of companies to be privatized this year, because of the local and parliamentary elections. The process will be postponed most likely until 2009. This is the opinion expressed yesterday by Ioana Filipescu, a general manager of Raiffeisen Investment.
She argued as follows in yesterday's press conference: "It is very well known that privatization makes no progress in electoral years....   (26 afisari)
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