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  Nr. 4208 de sambata, 12 aprilie 2008 
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We've got some tandemns, haven't we?
What a pity they didn't choose Marian Vanghelie! We would have had a full show. But there's still hope we'll get real fun during the campaign, since the mayor of Bucharest District 5 has solemnly announced he'll make a tandem with "Cristi" Diaconescu. So we'll see the refined diplomat walking shoulder to shoulder with the inventor of the New Year's Eve parties for the poor, giving sausages, grilled meat balls and beer to the large masses in Izvor Park,...   (26 afisari)
Marian Vaghelie plays, Social-Democrats dance
The PSD (Social-Democrat Party) branch in Bucharest managed yesterday to prevent Sorin Oprescu from running in the Bucharest mayor election and chose Cristian Diaconescu instead, for this party branch succeeded in defeating the opposite side. The failing talks with Sorin Oprescu, who wouldn't give up, made the Bucharest Social-Democrats go for the PSD vice president Cristian Diaconescu to make sure the Executive Committee would approve of this...   (19 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romania's foreign minister resigns because of Daniel Crulic case
Romania's foreign minister Adrian Cioroianu resigned yesterday evening, claiming he was doing it out of honour, given the Daniel Crulic case. Minister Cioroianu argued: "There is a political price one has to pay. I don't want Liberal friends, colleagues and supporters to pay some of this price."
Still he pleaded innocent, claiming no information on Daniel Crulic, the Romanian who died in Poland, had reached him...   (29 afisari)
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LATEST - In Brief
PM encourages Roma community
The Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu seems to be using the electoral conduct of Romanian President Traian Basescu. Yesterday while in Oradea the PM attended the launch of the Liberal candidates for the local elections in Bihor and he didn't miss the opportunity to take some walks and talk to the Roma representatives.
When the grand Liberal ceremony was over, the PM shook hands with two Roma men and stayed for a photo, displaying a large smile....   (20 afisari)
Nokia project faces difficulties
The Finish producer of Nokia mobile phones may lose the fiscal facilities for the Tetarom III Industrial Park, since company officials are considering the idea to make more investments in the factory established in Jucu, a village in the Romanian district of Cluj.
Tetarom manager Viorel Gavrea comments: "In such a case, the industrial park rules are no longer applied and Nokia, together with all the others involed, is to obey the European...   (20 afisari)
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