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  Nr. 4202 de sambata, 5 aprilie 2008 
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The bear taming from Nicolae Ceausescu to Traian Basescu
UN, Russia, US, NATO and EU sat down at the table of the successful summit in Romania. It happened in the famous interwar net of spies, then in that Communist place called the Athene Palace. Traian Basescu was host. According to Corneliu Vlad and Veaceslav Samoshkin, two foreign affairs veterans in the Romanian and Russian press, there are three things Traian Basescu inherited from Nicolae Ceausescu in terms of this NATO summit...   (67 afisari)
Vladimir Putin gets satisfaction in Bucharest
The Russian President Vladimir Putin came to Bucharest to attend the NATO summit. Despite rumors that he would get into no contact with the hosts and choose to make just a fast trip to give NATO a piece of his mind, he even had a meeting with the President of Romania Traian Basescu. The Russian President went to the dinner party together with the presidents of NATO states and he invited President Basescu to Moscow.
Diplomats claim he seemed...   (25 afisari)
US promises transparency on visas for Romanians
Waghington authorities are going to collaborate with the Romanian government to find out why so many Romanians are denied visas to travel to the US. The US President George W. Bush made this promise yesterday before leaving Romania, after meeting with the Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu in Victoria Palace, Bucharest.
After this meeting there was announced that the two officials had also tackled political and economy issues and had agreed...   (22 afisari)
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Foreign press comments on Bucharest NATO summit
-- The Times: Putin the winner
In yesterday's Times report on the NATO caution about the invitation for Georgia and Ukraine to join the alliance, the main idea is that the Kremlin leader was the winner of this year's NATO summit in Bucharest, even if he wasn't even there. Still there is added that President Putin missed an important point because NATO decided to place US anti-missile shield elements in the Czech Republic and Poland.
The Telegraph:...   (27 afisari)
LATEST -In Brief
European Commission appreciates Moldovan Republic's progress
While NATO has been expressing support for the Moldovan Republic's territorial integrity, the European Commission has expressed appreciation for the Republic's progress with the neighborhood policy. According to a recent report by the European Commission, the Moldovan Republic together with Ukraine, Morocco and Israel have made the most significant progress with the Action Plan signed with the EU within the neighborhood...   (19 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
International Herald Tribune: Hungarian enclave is immiment in Romania
According to an International Herald Tribune report titled "Kosovo heartens a Hungarian enclave in Romania" and published yesterday, there is no other minority to plead for independence more than the Magyar minority in Romania. The analysis (http://www.iht.com/articles/2008/04/03/europe/journal.php) focuses on the Kosovo episode effects, arguing that a Hungarian enclave is imminent in Romania.
The report...   (29 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romanian President to go to Moscow
Although not part of the official schedule, the President of Romania Traian Basescu had a bilateral meeting with the Russian President Vladimir Putin yesterday. The latter invited the former to pay a visit to Moscow, when getting thanks for attending the NATO summit in Bucharest. The Kremlin leader expressed his appreciation for the arrangements made for the event.
President Putin argued that, after President Basescu's visit to Russia in 2005,...   (27 afisari)
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