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  Nr. 4194 de joi, 27 martie 2008 
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On the people and the rulers: 1918
Exactly 90 years ago, Basarabia decided to unify with Romania, after almost one century of Russian domination. In iasi people danced on streets, still an ocean of sorrow was the companion of joy. Romania's destiny looked gloomy in March 1918.
Bucharest had been under German occupation for one year and a half. Both military and administration had chosen Moldavia. After the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, the Romanian troops were alone on the Eastern...   (41 afisari)
Euro-manipulation against Romania
A photo exhibition in the most crowded part of the Parliament of Europe depicts the state of things in Romanian orphanages in a false manner because of using photos taken in the early 90s. But neither the MEPs from Romania nor the Romanian foreign minister have moved a finger to counter and sanction this anti-Romanian operation. The exhibition opened under the auspices of the EPP and the opening was attended by Magyar and Slovenian MEPs. But as they explained...   (54 afisari)
Voronin's secret
In the Romanian Basarabia, the Communists proceeded to an experiment to wash brains and souls in order to delete the identity of Romanians for good.
A most illustrative example is Vladimir Putin himself, the President of the Moldovan Republic. Although Romanian 100%, he now hates Romania and takes the Romanian colors for "a fascist flag". Zinaida Grecianii, now a Communist PM in Chishinau, due to Vladimir Voronin's recent choice for her, is a feminine clone of the President....   (290 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
Romanian President to deliver important message to Basarabia
Due to the ceremony celebrating 90 years since the unification of Basarabia and Romania, the President of Romania Traian Basescu is likely to express a categorical view on the mother country's duty to the Romanians split by Bolshevism 64 years ago and on the effects of the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact.
The Romanian President has also decided to meet today with Dorin Chirtoaca, the young mayor of Chishinau, attend an exhibition...   (38 afisari)
LATEST - In Brief
A shortcut
The Romanian general attorney and the head of the DNA (National Anti-Corruption Department) are in the habit of illegally sending each other criminal cases of high importance, without registering them when leaving or reaching the institutions the two officials head. Lucian Papici, a head of Department I in the DNA, disclosed this by mistake, in a resolution sent to Gabriala Chita, formerly a deputy general attorney in Romania.
As she was under criminal investigations...   (35 afisari)
PSD 'surprises' wouldn't enter electoral confrontation
None of Miron Mitrea, Cristian Diaconescu, Victor Ponta and even Ion Iliescu would agree to become the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) candidate in the election for a general mayor of Bucharest. And Mircea Geoana's side is now struggling to find a solution and prevent the state of things in the party from getting worse.
When asked if he would run in elections. Ion Iliescu called it a blue joke. Miron Mitrea called it speculation...   (19 afisari)
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