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  Nr. 4192 de marti, 25 martie 2008 
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Local civil wars as global threat
Aside from the military campaigns in Afghanistan and Iraq, one more war is peacefully taking place almost at the same time. This war, the civil war, is much more dreadful and merciless and it has got multiple effects on the world's equilibrium. Political and military analysts perceived such wars as strictly local, initially. But now they may turn into a global threat to enflame communities situated thousand and thousand kilometers away from their native...   (26 afisari)
Marian Vanghelie argues with Ion Iliescu
Marian Vanghelie and Ion Iliescu had a rude argument yesterday because of the former's candidacy in the election of a general mayor of Bucharest. Right now a mayor of Bucharest district 5, Marian Vanghelie reproached the honorary president of the PSD (Social-Democrat Party) for overtly supporting Sorin Oprescu. And Ion Iliescu disliked Marian Vanghelie's craving to be the PSD candidate to run in elections. The final decision on the candidate was...   (34 afisari)
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New Right behaves
The New Right Association has announced intention to organize no street demonstrations during the NATO summit to be held in Bucharest, thus denying press rumors. The organization has warned that to link this Romanian group to the anarchist groups in Western Europe would be "abnormal".
The New Right leader Tudor Ionescu has mentioned that, as far as the young Magyar aggressed in Cluj by two Romanians is concerned, the alledged members of the New Right involved...   (30 afisari)
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Pedophile Treptow addresses ECHR against Romania
According to "Ziarul de Iasi", a local publication in Romania, The US historian Kurt William Treptow, sentenced to 7 years of prison for pedophilia by a court in Iasi, Romania, opened a lawsuit at the European Court of Human Rights against the latter country, demanding he be paid damages.
According to the above-mentioned publication, Treptow claims he was a victim of injustice, although just a few days after his release from...   (31 afisari)
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20% of Romanians have got mental health problems
As far as the frequency of mental disturbances is concerned, Romania is number 5 in Europe, as right now 20% of Romanians suffer from a mental health problem, explains doctor Alexandru Paziuc, an expert in the Psychiatry Hospital in Campulung Moldovenesc, Romania. He argues: "It is statistics that show that mental health problems are underestimated, that state authoritites have got no understanding and concern. Authorities have...   (20 afisari)
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Press defeats EU
The ECHR decision in the case of journalist Hans Martin Tillack is sure to become a historical precedent, as from now on the confidentiality of sources is a rule. Due to the same decision, the case concerning rapporteur Van Buitenen, classified by the European Commission, is to reopen, once a new investigator is appointed to head the OLAF.
This time the inquiry is not against the journalist, but against the doers. The journalist working for STERN had published...   (29 afisari)
A r h i v a
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 A inviat cand medicii il pregateau de autopsie (2995 afisari)
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